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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

January 31

In principle, I support those who feel the need to be married. But I do not support irresponsible grhastha life. You must be prepared to work hard. Krishna can take care of everyone's needs. That is a fact. But that does not mean that we should live irresponsibly and expect that Krishna will take care of us. Human life is meant for responsibility. Please remember this, and then act on it. Collected Letters: Volume 2

January 30

Ultimately whatever position we may want, we can get only by the sanction of Krishna. If we depend upon His decisions, then we can be safe. But if we sacrifice our Krishna consciousness, there will be so much danger. Please always remember this, and Krishna will help.  Collected Letters: Volume 2

January 29

Gradually all of my disciples will need to find that place from which they can move forward in their advancement without having to fall back once again into materialistic life. Materialistic life is NEVER an option. Life without Krishna is HELL. And I never want to see a disciple step back into life without Krishna again. This brings great pain to the spiritual master. Collected Letters: Volume 2

January 28

In my letters you will find a broad spectrum of instructions, which are replies to questions I get about matters such as those you are sending to me. I am giving the broad spectrum because somewhere within there is an instruction that most disciples can hold onto if they are serious about advancing in Krishna consciousness. Collected Letters: Volume 2

January 27

When one takes to Krishna consciousness he or she is declaring war against the illusory energy. That war will continue right up until one becomes completely free from maya's influence. Whether the war is with parents, friends, relatives, attachments, or whatever, we will always be under attack. For a devotee, the best strategy for war is to be well protected.  Collected Letters: Volume 2

January 26

In practical terms, devotees have to struggle with the instruction not to speak prajalpa. For example, we are not always in control of how particular conversations go. Sometimes we may begin by speaking Krishna-Katha but others introduce gossip into conversations. If we are in a position to instruct the devotees speaking prajalpa - that is, if they are our juniors - then we should explain to them the dangers of speaking prajalpa. If we were addressing our seniors, then the best thing to do would be to submissively ask about the purpose of the discussion. Perhaps what the senior devotee is speaking fits Bhaktivinoda Thakura's criteria for good reasons to speak prajalpa. But we should ask respectfully. If we think the senior devotee does not have a proper understanding, then it would be better not to instruct him but to inform a higher authority - someone who will be capable of dealing with the situation.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 440, 2nd paragraph onwards.

January 25

In a humble state of mind, we should be ready to offer all respects to others, even if those others have come to a wrong conclusion by our estimation. We must respect everyone, especially if they are devotees.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 428 last paragraph

January 23

When we read mundane literature, our hearts do not become peaceful. Rather our minds will always be agitated and we will want to talk about the subjects we have read. Such discussions often lead to argument, but the arguments have no conclusion, because there is no siddhanta. When we actually come to siddhanta, our minds can find shelter in Krishna. Otherwise, our minds will always be disturbed. Godless talks simply agitate the mind.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 416, last Paragraph

January 22

Someone may ask "If devotional service is voluntary, then why do we have to follow so many rules? Rather, we should be allowed to do what we want.” But the rules and regulations are meant to provide guidelines by which we can learn to awaken our original desire to please the Lord. At present, that desire is covered by the desire to satisfy the material body. The rules and regulations help us change our habits and restore our original identity and desires. The presence of rules does not minimize the voluntary nature of devotional service. Krishna does not force us to follow them.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 328, 2nd Paragraph

January 21

Real responsibility means to take responsibility for the Krishna consciousness of others. As we grow in that responsibility, Krishna will send others to assist us. If we want them to assist us, we have to preach to them. Everything ultimately comes from preaching. If we think we have so much responsibility that we can simply push work onto others in order to accomplish everything, and we are not prepared to help them in their own spiritual lives, then we are abusing our power and  ultimately being irresponsible.
Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, Pg 74, 4th Paragraph
