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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 29

Please approach householder life in a moral and responsible way. If you enter householder life in an enjoying spirit, the price that you will have to pay for that enjoyment can be costly. The best safeguard against such pressures is a strong commitment to hearing and chanting. That should always be your top priority. Chant your rounds faithfully and attentively. Always seek out advanced and renounced association and hear from them, even if you have to go a long distance to get it. Let the funds needed to get that association be one of the main goals of your work. Then you will feel protection in householder life.

May 29, 2001, Letter

May 28

Prabhupada says that when one takes to Krishna consciousness, he is declaring war against Maya. If he wants to defeat the enemy, he must get his strength from the Lord. Strength doesn't come from within himself, he must get that strength and determination from association.

May 28, 2003, Kiev

May 28

Prabhupada says that when one takes to Krishna consciousness, he is declaring war against Maya. If he wants to defeat the enemy, he must get his strength from the Lord. Strength doesn't come from within himself, he must get that strength and determination from association.

May 28, 2003, Kiev

May 27

Sometimes we hear the expression that the Lord helps those who help themselves. What does that mean? How to help ourselves? We help ourselves by cultivation the right attitude in approaching the Lord. What is that right attitude? Only Krishna can help me.

May 27, 2002, Moscow

May 26

Krishna consciousness must be awakened by contact with Krishna. When one receives the holy name of the Lord from the right source, the pure transparent medium of the holy name, then the holy name he receives is as good as Krishna.

May 26, 1996, Letter

May 25

There is no limit of service available to those who relish hearing, chanting, and giving Krishna consciousness to others.

May 25, 2005, Letter

May 24

So there are no enemies in Vaikuntha mentality. Everybody is seen as a servant of the Supreme Lord and everybody's service is recognized and appreciated. And the best way to help someone in their service is to remind them who they are serving so they can render service in the proper consciousness.

May 24, 2009, Kiev

May 23

If a person cannot control his mind and senses, why should he try to conquer everybody simply by criticism? First conquer the mind and senses and actually help others to become Krishna conscious. This is the real solution to problems.

May 23, 1998, Novorossyisk

May 22

Humility is the best way to teach others, even if it appears that they need chastisement. You should never think that you would be at a loss by remaining humble. A devotee will always benefit, and, ultimately, will gain respect in a natural way, not in a forceful way.

May 22, 2002, Letter

May 21

The inferior goal is when a person is attached to some idea for enjoyment; he connects everything to that idea of enjoyment, but that is all illusion. But when a person becomes attached to Krishna and becomes attached to the idea of pleasing Krishna, he must connect everything he does to that goal. That is the best way to become detached.

May 21, 1998, Novorossyisk
