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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 28

This is the selfless service attitude of those who are genuinely devotees of Krishna: Whatever makes Krishna happy. It doesn't have to be that I do it. If Krishna becomes happy by somebody else's doing it, then let me serve that person who can make Krishna happy.

June 28, 2009, New Vraja Dhama

June 27

We may not know much about Krishna, but if we simply repeat what we have heard, and do not interpret a philosophy, but we tell others about Krishna according our own realization, then the more our realization increases. The more we give, the more becomes available. This is the dynamic of spiritual life. This is how pleased Krishna is when a devotee talks about Him.

June 27, 1990, Izory

June 26

The devotee always prays to the Lord "Please, I want to love You exclusively. I do not want anything else. Under all circumstances, whatever situations You put me, don't let me forget You. And because You are the Supreme enjoyer, my life is meant for Your pleasure. Please take me and use me as You wish. Let me be Your eternal servant."

June 26, 2005, Moscow

June 25

Whatever we see within this world, we should see how it is connected with the Lord by knowing that the Lord is the source of everything. This is the real platform for peace and fearlessness.

June 25, 1998, Vitebsk

June 24

The most effective way to help people to come to Krishna consciousness is by being Krishna conscious yourself.

June 24, 1998, Mogiliov

June 23

We are meant to be attached to the Lord. Everybody wants to be attached to something. This is also natural. Why? Because we are not self-sufficient. If we are self-sufficient we would simply be happy by ourselves. Therefore everybody is looking for something so that they can feel more complete. But actually, what makes a person most complete? Everybody is looking for somebody to love. Everybody is looking for somebody to serve. Everybody is looking for somebody who cares for him. All of these things are actually experienced when one knows who Krishna is.

June 23, 2001, Vladivostok

June 22

We should not think "Oh, because I am doing some service, therefore I am connected." No, the most important service is chanting and it should never be neglected. Everything else you are doing, whether you are cooking, cleaning, driving, distributing books, it doesn't make any difference what your service is. This service is all meant to increase your attachment to the Holy Name. When you meditate on the Holy Name in this way, then you get strength to go on with your service.

June 22, 2001, Irkutsk

June 21

When the devotee becomes very-very determined to satisfy the Lord, the Lord will remove all the impediments along his path.

June 21, 2005, Doneck

June 20

There is a big difference between service and devotional service. Because everybody is serving and not everybody is a pure devotee of the Lord. So, if we actually talk about the word service and don't include the word devotion, then we can understand why we are not experiencing satisfaction.

June 20, 1996, Kishiniov

June 19

There is a certain symptom that is manifest in the person who is sheltered. He is able to face adversity without being disturbed, he is able to go on serving, taking shelter of the Holy Name of the Lord without any material consideration. It Is not artificial. It Is tangible. It is experienced within the heart. When the devotee feels that shelter within the heart, he can go on serving in the face of adversity; he can go on thinking of the welfare of others in the face of his own adversities.

June 19, 2004, Moscow
