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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 28

When your heart becomes cleaned, then you realize mission of the spiritual master more and more and your role there will be also very clear because you will realize that you are an eternal servant of Krishna and serving the spiritual master's order is non-different from serving Krishna. But without hearing it is very difficult.

July 28, 2003, Lithuania festival, meeting with disciples

July 27

The desire to stop suffering is not Krishna conscious. The desire to please Krishna is Krishna conscious, and a devotee who has fully awakened this desire allows Krishna to make the decision whether he should leave his body or not.

July 27, 2001, Letter

July 26

This chanting is the most important out of any other devotional service which you might render. And it is by this chanting that you can satisfy me. Everything else will follow if your chanting remains the foundation of your spiritual life.

July 26, 2001, Letter

July 25

The spiritual master has to administer the treatment according to the severity of the disease. So the spiritual master knows how to distribute the medicine. This is the most important thing. Just as the physician has to know also how to prescribe medicine. If he gives too heavy a dose to the patient who is suffering too intensely, the dose could kill the patient, or if he doesn’t give enough, the patient will never be cured. So the medicine has to be prescribed according to the nature of the disease. That is what the spiritual master knows.

July 25, 1997, Kharkov

July 24

Nothing goes unnoticed by Krishna when our consciousness is fixed upon Him.

July 24, 2004, Letter.

July 23

Because Krishna doesn’t want to see us stay in the material world any longer, He becomes so pleased by even the smallest effort to turn somebody’s attention to Krishna. And that’s how we get Krishna's attention.

July 23, 1997, Bryansk

July 22

There is a price to pay if we want to go back to Godhead. But on the other hand, Krishna always helps His devotee who is willing to pay that price. That’s how we get strength to go through the next test.

July 22, 2005, Vladivostok

July 21

Conditioning can be overcome, but only with spiritual strength; otherwise we make artificial adjustments, but we don’t become closer to Krishna.

July 21, 2005, Vladivostok

July 20

We must feel that we are incapable, for if we were to feel too materially qualified, we could easily forget our dependence upon the Lord. Material qualifications are not the criteria for devotional service. It is all dependent upon our desire to please Krishna.

July 20, 1987, Letter

July 19

When we have an opportunity to render some service for the Lord, we should never pass up such a rare and fortunate opportunity. It is not such an easy thing to get service to the Lord. The Lord doesn’t give devotional service so easily.

July 19, 1997, Tombov
