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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 18

In the material world everybody places value on those things which are pleasing to themselves and therefore they become bound in the network of reactions of forgetfulness of God. Therefore the superior dictation of Supersoul can only be followed when the mind is conquered. Until then we are simply following the inferior dictation, which is simply the sanction to fulfill our desires.

July 18, 2003, Kaunas

July 17

Kirtan is the means for conquering the mind. To engage in smaranam one has to be very, very advanced. Only very few can engage in smaranam, but kirtan is accessible and available to anyone.

July 17, 2002, Tallin

July 16

Your faith in me as someone who will not mislead you is something that you must determine yourself. Although I can help you with that too—and I must help you with that—I cannot demand that of you. I can only help by being the type of example of a spiritual leader, spiritual father, and friend which brings out that trust in you.

July 16, 2003, Letter, Vilnius

July 15

The spiritual master may finally sanction somebody's activities because they are so persistent. But we should not think that this is actually what is most pleasing to the spiritual master. We should try to understand that what is the most pleasing to the spiritual master is to see us advance in Krishna consciousness. He wants to see us surrendering to Krishna's lotus feet. He wants to see us becoming happy in Krishna consciousness. And if we want to become happy we have to become happy on the transcendental platform and to give up all our calculations of happiness according our previous conception of happiness.

July 15, 1993, Rostov

July 14

To be a fool before the spiritual master means that we have to accept the answer the spiritual master gives to our question.

July 14, 1997, Moscow

July 13

If you try to maintain your sanity without Krishna, then you will be destined to failure. It is simply not possible. When the pressure builds up, take shelter in any one of the nine processes of devotional service. Sanity will automatically come. If you take shelter in something artificial, then it won't lead to sanity. Things may seem to get better, but that is only an illusion.

July 13, 1996, Letter

July 12

As long as one continues to have spiritual desire, even though there may still be many other desires within the heart, if one goes on fanning that spiritual desire, gradually all the other material desires will be burned up. Just by that desire to achieve Krishna. This is the great beauty and potency of coming in contact with Krishna.

July 12, 2005, Ekaterinburg

July 11

Just like we read in Prabhupada Lilamrita how Prabhupada came to the West with forty rupees and a trunk full of books. One may think Prabhupada had nothing. But Prabhupada had everything. He had everything he needed. He had firm faith in the Holy Name. He had total humility. He had complete dependence on the will of the Lord. This is the perfect formula for preaching Krishna consciousness.

July 11, 2003, Minsk

July 10

Although one may perform some service which is very dear to Krishna, if one is not careful and is a little bit inattentive, he may commit some offenses and because the material desires are not still completely uprooted within his heart, he may fall down.

July 10, 1993, Moscow

July 9

So that is how to capture the Lord's attention: to be constantly filled with thoughts of the Lord and to be constantly dependent upon the Lord for everything. Then one becomes very dear to Krishna and very valuable to Krishna.

July 9, 1993, Moscow
