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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 8

As soon as a devotee becomes attracted to Lord Caitanya's kirtan, he sees everything separate from that as suffering.

July 8, 1998, Suharevo

July 7

Persons who do not accept worship of the Supreme Lord, who do not accept the glorification of the holy names of the Lord, and who do not see things in connection with the service of the Lord, even though they may study the scriptures, they cannot speak the truth. Because the truth means everything has to be connected to the Lord.

July 7, 1998, Sucharevo

July 6

We must act for Krishna's pleasure, and, by cultivating a desire to please guru and Krishna internally, all of our external activities will in due course of time fall into the right place. It is not easy, but if we can learn how to take help from the Lord within, who knows everything He needs to know about us, He will give us more strength to stay on the right course.

July 6, 2006, Letter

July 5

The innate desire of every living being, eternally situated within the heart of every living being, is the desire to do something that is pleasing to Krishna. That is what every living being wants more then anything else. Every living being wants to love and to be loved. This is spiritual life. Love means that one is free to do whatever one wants for the beloved, to serve the beloved according one's own desires. That is actually freedom in love. That freedom is experienced in relationship with Krishna.

July 5, 2003, Tiraspol

July 4

It causes me great pain when I see devotees neglecting their health unnecessarily. We have to use these bodies for Krishna's service, and taking care of one's health is part of that service. If we make the effort, and despite our efforts, our health does not improve, then that is Krishna's mercy.

July 4, 1999, Letter

July 3

Real association is association that actually takes place in the heart. If somebody has given you so much, then the best way to associate with that person is to use what they have given to you. If you don't use what has been given to you, then how can you really appreciate what has been given to you?

July 3, 2005, Moscow

July 2

As long as one has unfulfilled desires, one can not be peaceful. One is looking: "How to fulfill my desires? How to fulfill my desires?" But one who establishes his relationship with Krishna, then Krishna is always absorbed: "Let Me fulfill all his desires." Then Krishna fulfills all his desires. Nobody is thinking "How will I fulfill my desires?" Krishna fulfills all our desires even better than we can fulfill them ourselves. He knows all of our desires and He satisfies all the spiritual desires in the hearts of His devotees.

July 2, 2005, Lipeck

July 1

When the attraction to Krishna is awakened within the heart, we have to follow our heart; and when we follow our heart we will see how great and valuable this gift is. Appreciation for what we receive becomes so much greater when we see its value.

July 1, 2005, Lipetsk

June 30

People follow various codes of religion to avoid suffering. But the desire to avoid suffering is not a selfless desire. And therefore the gopis are described to be on the transcendental platform, because they are not following any kind of religious or moral codes. They are breaking moral codes, but they are not afraid to suffer, because they are only thinking of Krishna's pleasure.

June 30, 2000, Kishiniov

June 29

When we understand our relationship with Krishna, we understand our relationship with everyone else. First we must know our relationship with Krishna. One who learns how to love Krishna, because he loves Krishna, he can love all Krishna's parts and parcels. June 29, 1990, Izory
