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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 16

If we actually want real satisfaction, we must exclusively work for the satisfaction of the Lord and as long as there is any tinge or trace of desire to enjoy separate from the Lord, we cannot experience that full satisfaction, because these desires cannot be fulfilled independently from the interest of the Lord.

August 16, 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

August 15

So we hear these statements of Bhagavad-Gita and theoretically we can understand, but realized knowledge means not only do we understand, but our actions are consistent with that understanding. If we have realized that we are not this body, then we do not become disturbed in happiness and distress. We do not try to gratify the senses more than necessary, because we realize that our satisfaction is not derived by gratifying demands of the body. So realized knowledge is superior to theoretical knowledge.

August 15, 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

14 августа

Мы общаемся [с Кришной] в той степени, в которой мы воспеваем с чувством. Если мы воспеваем без чувства, то в равной степени мы [с Ним] не общаемся. Мы общаемся с другими в той степени, в которой мы их слушаем с чувством, и в той же степени, в которой нам недостает интереса к слушанию, мы не общаемся. Вот что означает общаться. Общаться – значит общаться с чувством, с чувством неотложности, взращивая желание.

14 августа, 2008, Киев

August 14

To the degree that we chant with feeling, we are associating. To the degree that we don't chant with feeling we are not associating. To the degree that we hear others with feeling, we are associating, and to the degree that we lack in interest in hearing, we are not associating. That is what it means to associate. It is with feeling. A feeling of urgency and the cultivation of desire.

August 14, 2008, Kiev

August 13

So for one who has actually developed his love for Krishna, Krishna is there within the core of his heart. Everything he sees stimulates his desire to speak about Krishna, because he does not see the objects of sense enjoyment, he sees everything and everyone connected to Krishna, because he loves Krishna and he sees Krishna everywhere. Everything he sees reminds him about Krishna and he starts to speak about Krishna. That is the symptom of someone who loves Krishna.

August 13, 2005, Vitebsk

August 12

Our primary activity is chanting Hare Krishna. In this chanting is the means for convincing us and for giving us strength in the realization that we are not products of this material world, that all the activities that are connected to this material world are just meant to be temporarily performed, just enough to maintain the body so we can use it for chanting Hare Krishna.

August 12, 2008, Kiev

August 11

When one loves Krishna, then automatically he loves Krishna's parts and parcels and therefore Krishna becomes so purchased by that love, that He gives Himself completely to this devotee. What more can a devotee aspire for? That is shelter. When one does not aspire for anything else, because one has achieved the supreme goal - that is shelter. In the material world everyone is looking for some shelter, but it never fully satisfies them. Therefore they are always changing their position.

August 11, 2005 Minsk

August 10

Firm faith in the Holy Name of the Lord should be there before taking initiation. One must actually have this experience of the glories of the Holy Name of the Lord before accepting the Holy Name of the Lord.

August 10, 2002, Minsk

August 9

The pure devotee is not interested in looking for Krishna behind some bush in Vrindavana, because he knows that Krishna is present in the instructions of the spiritual master. He knows that hearing the instruction of the spiritual master is as good as seeing the Supreme Personality of Godhead, because the Lord appears before the disciple in the instructions of the spiritual master.

August 9, 1993, Moscow

August 8

I am firmly convinced that turbulence and constant change exists in everyone's life within in this world. But the one Personality whom we can find complete shelter in is Krishna. He gives His full assurance that He will protect His devotees under all circumstances. Such protection, and our own conviction of that protection, enables one to be peaceful in all circumstances. By regularly chanting Krishna's names, we can gradually develop that complete conviction.

August 8, 1986, Letter to Lucille
