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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

September 15

The danger of the material world is that just a little inattentiveness can cause one to fall away and to deviate from the path of devotional service.

September 15, 1992, Riga

September 14

The devotee should not be artificial in his behavior. In other words, we should not try to be something that we are not. We are simply endeavoring to please Krishna and that itself is very attractive. It’s also very purifying. And it’s the consciousness that we are supposed to be doing in all our activities – to make an endeavor.

September 14, 1997, Moscow

September 13

When I see devotees losing faith in chanting Hare Krishna, they gave up their vows or they lose association of devotees, when I think of how responsible I am for helping them to develop their faith, then I suffer like anything.

September 13, 2009, Evpatoriya

September 12

If a devotee simply does his service, even what appears to be a small service, but does it steadily and doesn’t expect anything material in return, then he will be able to become steady in Krishna consciousness and then Krishna will make wonderful things happen. We don’t make wonderful things happen. Krishna can make wonderful things happen. He just wants to see how much we are dependent upon Him and try to please Him.

September 12, 2003, Kazakhstan festival

September 11

Srila Prabhupada would always emphasize that this book distribution was the brihad mrdanga. He said that kirtan can be heard within a limited range, but through book distribution kirtan can be heard throughout the whole world.

September 11, 2002, Odessa

September 10

Just like one looks at opulent food and thinks “Yes, let me enjoy.” So one who also looks at Krishna with that spirit of enjoyment “Oh, God, He is my order supplier. He can give me happiness.” So it’s the same type of connection. It’s temporary. It doesn’t last. One can make a solid connection with Krishna when one actually has unalloyed love for Krishna.

September 10, 1995, Minsk

September 9

How do we serve such devotees? By hearing very enthusiastically. That’s how to serve them. Because if they speak, they want us to hear. The more people who hear enthusiastically, the more inspired one becomes to speak. This is real service. Real service is giving, donating the ears.

September 9, 2004, Almaty

September 8

Prabhupada says that every living entity has a relationship with Krishna. But when one becomes a devotee, that relationship becomes intimate. When the intimacy is there, then lila is there, because the lila is the Lord's dealings with His devotees.

September 8, 2005, Odessa

September 7

By serving this devotee I am serving Krishna; by associating with this devotee I am hearing about Krishna. Krishna has to be there in all the activities. If Krishna is there and the goal is there, then we can do so many other things. We can work together, we can build together, and we can organize festivals together. But if Krishna is not there, then what is the value, what is going to be obtained? Simply some profit in the material world.

September 7, 2005, Odessa

September 6

A disciple’s life is supposed to be an offering to the spiritual master. Not just that one day one makes an offering to the spiritual master simply by offering some flowery words of glorification, but actually a disciple is supposed to be constantly glorifying the spiritual master also by his activities and by his words.

September 6, 1996, Palanga
