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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 26

One who is fully realized, he does not think "I have to do this service". The fully realized devotee of the Lord, he wants to render service out of love.

October 26, 1996, Suharevo

October 25

So, in this way, take shelter in your service, and not in your mind. When it starts to ramble, just chant and serve. Don't give up the struggle. As soon as you do, maya's got you. And then you'll just start in again with your fault-finding tendencies. Krishna will only tolerate that for so long. Don't lose this rare and valuable chance to become a devotee of Krishna, and blow it by committing offenses and losing the association of devotees.

October 25, 1986, Letter

October 24

The best way to become free from suffering is to be fully engaged in devotional service to the Lord.

October 24, 2001, Kishiniov

October 23

How we should perform our sadhana? With the desire to achieve Krishna's service. That's our sadhana. Sadhana practice in that way will create more yearning within the heart and will attract bhakti to manifest within the heart, because bhakti causes bhakti.

October 23, 2001, Kishiniov

October 22

There is nothing greater than Krishna, and Krishna is so kind that He appears to us in His name. If we can realize that, there is nothing else to be realized.

October 22, 2006, Kiev

October 21

The fruit of the endeavor of the devotee is to satisfy the Lord. That is considered to be the ultimate fruit.

October 21, 1999, St Peterburg

October 20

Sleeping in the spiritual world is in the state of dreaming, but that dreaming is only about Krishna. And Krishna is dealing with each of His devotees even in their dreams. Even Krishna dreams.

October 20, 2006, Kiev

October 19

Our tendency is that when we are chanting Hare Krishna, it is like background music in the store. We are more interested in what is on the shelf and the background music is simply there. For a person who has awakened some attraction for the Holy Name of the Lord, he actually begins to experience Krishna fully manifested Himself in His name. He sees Krishna as non-different from His name and experiences Krishna as non-different from His name.

October 19, 2008, Hartford, USA

October 18

A Vaishnava is one who understands that he is weak and he is tiny and he is dependent. He realizes that in order to have strength to overcome maya, he can't do it alone. He needs strength by association with others who have that strength who can give it to him.

October 18, 2008, Ukraine festival

October 17

A living entity can never become God, but due to his foolishness and due to the manifestation of this envy of the Supreme, he is thinking that "I want to enjoy just like God". Therefore by thinking in this way, he is cast into this material nature and given a reflection, just like a child who has a reflection of the moon. And he thinks as he has that reflection, he is thinking "O yes, now I am the enjoyer".

October 17, 1992, St Petersburg
