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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 5

In other words, there is no question of lying or exaggerating when we are talking about how wonderful Krishna is. We simply have to speak in a very convinced way. How can one exaggerate how wonderful Krishna is? Is there a limit? Is there a limit to Krishna's glories? Is there a limit to what Lord Caitanya can do? We talked about this the other day also, how there is no limit to Lord Caitanya's pastimes. There is no limit. So, if we stick to this principle there is no question of exaggeration, and neither is there a question of telling lies. How can we glorify Krishna by telling lies?

December 5, 1993, Moscow

December 4

We have to be thinking about how to give medicine to the conditional souls in a palatable way. Not by cheating, not by lying. These are not a method for giving Krishna consciousness.

December 4, 1993, Moscow

December 3

So, this description here helps us to understand some of the qualities that the book distributor must have. He must have faith in the order of the Lord, faith in the order of the spiritual master, and he must try simply to elevate others to the highest standard of Krishna consciousness while facing all kinds of obstacles and impediments. He must cultivate a desire to become always engaged in this mission and to be prepared to take so much risk for the sake of the Lord.

December 3, 1993, Moscow

December 2

When we accept some austerity for pleasing Krishna's pure devotee, the return we get is incalculable.

December 2, 2006, Letter Taipei, Taiwan

December 1

Because he is so fully dependent upon the Lord and he is always engaged in rendering service to the Lord, the Lord actually takes charge of the devotee's departure from this world. He carries him across the ocean of repeated birth and death and accepts him into His eternal association in the spiritual world. The Lord takes full charge for the departure of such a devotee.

December 1, 1993, Moscow

November 30

And to the degree that one has some taste, one can make a commitment to the practices of sadhana bhakti. Without making a commitment to the practices of sadhana bhakti, it is very difficult to advance.

November 30, 2001, Almaty

November 29

In other words, devotional service must be rendered with a hankering to advance in spiritual life. This yearning must be within the heart. Then while hearing, while chanting, while utilizing our bodies for service to the Lord, gradually the meditation upon the pleasure of the Lord will increase more and more within the heart.

November 29, 2001, Almaty

November 28

That awakening of compassion, wanting to see others enjoying the bliss of Krishna consciousness, that is what Lord Caitanya came to give.

November 28, 2007, Hartford

November 27

I am very pleased to hear that all of you are still feeling the weight and are nicely planning your marathon. Please know that I am very grateful to those devotees who take up this important missionary work because it is so pleasing to Srila Prabhupada.

November 27, 1997, Letter

November 25

When a devotee actually develops his love for Krishna, he even accepts suffering for Krishna's pleasure. If that suffering brings Krishna pleasure, that suffering becomes his happiness. That is how much devotional service to Krishna is in comparison to liberation.

November 25, 2001, St.Petersburg
