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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 15

Chanting should be performed with some feeling. Whether the emotion is hankering for Krishna, remorse, repentance, eagerness to chant more attentively, remembrance of our favorite pastime, or whatever, when there is some feeling, our chanting becomes less mechanical and more spontaneous. Try to capture these moments of chanting with feeling, and take note of what you were thinking about when the feeling came to you. Repeat your chanting in the same way and gradually the feeling will become natural, and along with that will come a natural desire to increase your chanting.

December 15, 2006, Letter, Govardhana

December 14

By coming in contact with bhakti in the heart of a devotee, our bhakti is awakened. What will increase that bhakti? Continued association with bhakti. Therefore, our sadhana bhakti must be executed WITH A DESIRE TO INCREASE OUR BHAKTI.

December 14, 2001, Letter

December 13

Krishna reveals Himself by our surrender to Him, through the instructions of guru, and that revelation is needed to increase our faith in the person who acts as the transparent medium in disciplic succession.

December 14, 1988, Letter to Karen

December 12

One who is always trying to be engaged in Krishna's service will accept whatever duties are given to him, and he will always try the best that he can. This is the most important consciousness that he has in the execution of his duties, that he does it for Krishna, but he is not attached to the results.

December 12, 1994, Simferopol

December 11

In other words Vrindavana means Vrindavana consciousness, and to be in Vrindavana consciousness it is not required that one be in that place of Vrindavana. He has to associate with those who are in Vrindavana consciousness.

December 11, 1994, Simferopol

December 10

When one acts in false ego, he cannot hear Krishna's instructions. He becomes lost. So this minute independence is there within the heart of every living being and the spiritual master must continue to give transcendental knowledge, and the disciple must be a proper receptacle to receive that transcendental knowledge.

December 8, 1994, Doneck

December 9

So if one sees that his devotion to Krishna is not increasing, it is due to the association of asat. If he has particular attachment within the heart and if he associates with those things which increase this attachment, then such attachment actually choke the growth of devotional creeper .

December 8, 1994, Doneck

December 8

For a person who is actually engaging in devotional service, he directly experiences that he is losing his attraction to the material world. That's a test. One actually has to see that he is advancing in spiritual life. If one is becoming increasingly attached to the material world, then one should understand that it is because his devotion to Krishna is not increasing.

December 8, 1994, Doneck

December 7

We are always eternal servants, whether we remember or we forget. It doesn't change because we have forgotten. We are still eternal servants. But now, where is that eternal service propensity being rendered? Being offered into the hands of illusory masters, who have so many expectations of us, because our constitutional nature is to render service.

December 7, 1994, Doneck

December 6

When one understands the Supreme Lord, then one understands himself as well, just as when one sees the sunrise in the morning, he also sees his reflection in the mirror. This is real self realization. Self realization without understanding God is not full self realization. Self realization means to know who God is and who His energies are.

December 6, 1994, Doneck
