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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

January 24

Hearing and chanting without inspiration can become simply another ritual. But when a devotee is genuinely inspired, he can have a positive influence on others.

January 24, 2007, Letter

January 23

So therefore in loving dealings, for the devotee who is always anxious to please the Lord, the Lord is always inclined to bestow His mercy upon that devotee. And as we said that in bestowing mercy upon that devotee we have to be prepare to accept in whatever way, shape or form the Lord will give it to us. That’s how the Lord reciprocates our loving service.

January 23, 2005, Pune yatra

January 22

But, as we are BOTH aware, maya is very strong. Without regular doses of Krishna consciousness, we can be swept away into her clutches and not even be aware that it is happening or that it has already happened. In the absence of physical association, execution of instructions (both past and present) become the foundation for protection against maya, of which chanting is of the utmost importance.

January 22, 2002, Letter

January 21

How can I accumulate and increase faith? I have to be able to see it first. So the preacher of Krishna consciousness is thinking the most valuable thing is one's faith. And therefore he always wants to increase the faith of others. What increases the faith of others? When a person who preaches in Krishna consciousness is freed from fruitive desires. When one associate with someone who has very strong faith, then what happens? The faith of others increases as a result of that association. That’s why association is so important. But how does anyone demonstrate his strong faith? The way a person demonstrates his strong faith is by his determination to always preach devotional service, to practice devotional service, and to taste the glories of devotional service himself.

January 21, 1999, St. Petersburg

January 20

That is how a preacher sees properly in Krishna consciousness. He sees Krishna everywhere by seeing the potential to serve Krishna in everyone's heart.

January 20, 2002, Moscow

January 19

Progress means feeling that we are unworthy of mercy, that we are in need of more and more mercy, and that we are not doing enough service for Krishna's pleasure.

January 19, 2007, Letter

January 18

The point is that although our desires do need to be fulfilled, we should let Krishna fulfill them rather than attempting to artificially fulfill them ourselves. Therefore a person is best situated for purification who depends upon Krishna for the fulfillment of all of his needs.

January 18, 1997, Letter

January 17

Imagine the Supreme Lord. What gives Him the greatest pleasure? Giving pleasure to His parts and parcels. Although He is Supreme, He likes to become subordinate to the desires of His devotees. This is His greatest quality. Not that He is the Supreme controller, not that He is Supreme proprietor. That makes Him great. But just imagine how much more greater He becomes that although He is the Supreme controller, although He is the Supreme proprietor, although He is the Supreme enjoyer, although He is the original being and everything and everyone is ultimately coming from Him, although all these things are His constitutional nature, His greatest pleasure is becoming subordinate to the desire of His devotee. Therefore His devotee controls the Lord by their desire to please Him.

January 17, 2008, Budapest Bhaktivedanta College

January 16

The way the Lord appears to a devotee is in the instructions of the spiritual master and in the heart of that disciple who takes the order of the spiritual master as his life and soul. Srila Prabhupada never thought about retiring to some place to stop his preaching work. The mission that Srila Prabhupada embraced was the mission of every moment of his life. Every thought, every word, every deed. One should use one's life, intelligence, wealth and words to use everything for the service of the Lord.

January 16, 1994, Moscow

January 15

So certainly whatever obstacles are placed before the path of the devotees individually and collectively, they can be overcome by the mercy of the Lord. Krishna will remove all obstacles from the path of devotional service for one who has full determination in the course of executing his duties in Krishna consciousness.

January 15, 1996, Kiev
