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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 3

We have relationships with others in terms of family, friends, and society. To have relationships with others is real. It’s not illusory. But the relationships should be based on the spiritual platform, not on its reflection.

February 3, 1997, Smolensk

February 2

Confidential knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead can be revealed within the heart of that person who qualifies himself for that confidential knowledge. And such confidential knowledge of pure unalloyed devotional service cannot be so easily explained for such persons who don’t have that qualification.

February 2, 1998, Moscow

February 1

Someone may doubt that such freedom from repeated birth and death will come, but a devotee experiences relief in this life. He need not wait until death. The devotee's relief comes from his remembrance of Krishna, and his confidence in Krishna's constant protection. There is no safer place than in Krishna consciousness. Similarly, a devotee who constantly feels the Lord's presence can be relieved from all anxieties of this material world. Therefore, if one does not practice with faith the activities which invoke remembrance of Krishna, one will not experience this relief. It is as simple as that.

February 1, 1997, Letter

January 31

It is a duty of a disciple to offer different types of comfort. Whether the spiritual master accepts or not, that’s his prerogative. He may accept, he may not accept, but that is his choice. But it is a duty of the disciple to offer all kind of services.
January 31, 1998, St Petersburg

January 30

We must be detached enough from position and control, to be able to see the root cause of our concerns. If we are capable of doing that, and remain confident that it is Krishna, guru and the principles of the previous acaryas that we are protecting, it is then our duty to speak whatever is necessary to protect their desires even at the risk of offending somebody else.

January 30, 2006, Letter

January 29

We are getting strength from within. We are getting our strength from depending on Krishna. We become strong by accepting Krishna's protection.

January 29, 2012, Minsk

January 28

One thing is for sure - that Krishna protects a surrendered soul. He gives that assurance. If He sees that a devotee is willing to accept any situation that Krishna puts him through, then Krishna will give him protection. A devotee finds great shelter and confidence in that realization.

Boston, December 1989 SB 1 8 27

January 27

A devotee should always try to speak from his platform of realization and if he has great conviction in what has nourished him in his Krishna consciousness, even if that may not be a particular aspect of another person’s nourishment, still that conviction is contagious. And that conviction will help the other person to increase his faith in the process of devotional service.

January 27, 2008, Pune Yatra

January 26

The fact is that the material world is created in such a way that there is no security. Any security that we get in this world is simply illusionary. Because it is temporary.

January 26, 1996, Dnepropetrovsk

January 25

Therefore simply to follow rules and regulations of the scriptures is not an ultimate goal in itself. One actually has to know the goal of following rules and regulations because if he doesn’t understand the actual goal, then in due cause of time he will fall from his position.

January 25, 1997, Sudak
