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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

February 13

When there are affectionate dealings between devotees based upon Krishna conscious exchanges, devotees become bound in these ropes of affection and help each other make progress in Krishna consciousness. What better service could you render to me and to others than to take part in helping devotees remain in Krishna consciousness throughout their whole lives? Thank you very much.

February 13, 2002, Letter

February 12

The disciple actually must be submissive by being willing follow the order of the spiritual master whatever instruction is given. And therefore the spiritual master must test the disciple to see if he is submissive. Unless the disciple has been tested and passed this test of submission, he will not be able to understand devotional service.

February 12, 1998, Almaty

February 11

A devotee should not try to question or understand everything about the Lord's plan, but it is the duty and responsibility of the devotee to simply be obedient to the Lord's plan. Whatever the Lord asks of me, then one should be prepared to perform it. In this way the surrendered soul who is always obedient to the will of the Lord will be instrumental in executing the Lord's plan which ultimately is Krishna's desire and will manifest anyway.

SB 1.18.29 Montreal, Canada

February 10

We should be willing, especially for the sake of those who are dependent upon us, to speak the truth. That much you should do. In time, those who are dependent will have to decide for themselves what is truth and what is not truth. In that sense, they cannot be forced or legislated to accept the truth. In whomever their faith lies, they will accept the conclusions spoken by them.

February 10, 2003, Letter

February 9

I am sorry that you are suffering, but please, I beg you, at least keep your faith in one thing – that I am neither indifferent, nor have I rejected you. I pray that these few words will give you the ability to see that Krishna is not indifferent to you either. He simply wants you to remember Him.

February 9, 2005, Letter

February 8

Devotees are peaceful, because they are never inclined to avenge themselves and therefore they are never disturbed in any condition of life. They always think that whatever happens to them, whatever suffering would fall upon them, whatever inconvenience or hardships they have to undergo in their life, they think "this is all due to my past misdeeds."

February 8, 1998, Moscow

February 7

We can not artificially imitate the platform of peacefulness. We may try to do this. We may try to restrain ourselves completely, be very kind towards everyone, but unless the living entity is freed from lust, it is not possible for him to be freed from anger.

February 7, 1997, Lipetsk

February 6

You have the potential, but you must practice with sincere chanting and service to Vaishnavas – all Vaishnavas, not just gurus and sannyasis. Here in Radha Gopinath Mandir, I have witnessed devotees – important, senior devotees – who will even selflessly serve young, uninitiated bhaktas and bhaktins and relish the opportunity to serve them. This you must practice more and more, and it will also enhance your service of preaching to newcomers who visit the temple.

February 6, 2006, Letter

February 5

I am 100% convinced that without devotee association we don't stand a chance against the onslaughts of the material energy. As difficult as it may seem at times, we must always situate ourselves in such a way that we can favorably associate with devotees by continually hearing and chanting the glories of Krishna and His pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada. If that continues then automatically service will be there, and advancement is guaranteed.

February 5, 1987, Letter

February 4

Love means unconditional. It means that if I give something I am not thinking of getting anything in return. As soon as I think of getting something in return for my services, it is not love, it is business. So we can not engage God in business because He is not bound by any contract. He is independent.

February 4, 1997, Bryansk
