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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 4

Srila Prabhupada explains in Caitanya Caritamrita that one may even accept diksa from authorized disciplic succession, but still it can be found that he will preach Mayavada philosophy. So it is not the diksa itself which establishes the real connection to the sampradaya, it is the siksa, or strict following of the instructions. Although both siksa and diksa are required for one to be connected to the authorized sampradaya, still the primary connection is through the siksa.

Riga SB 1 1 22

March 3

There are wanted desires and there are unwanted desires. The unwanted desires are those desires which are not favorable for devotional service, and wanted desires are those which are favorable for service to Krishna.

March 3, 2008, Govardhana

March 2

One actually has to have love for Krishna to see Krishna and when one develops this love, he sees Krishna everywhere. So with purified senses, one can experience God.

March 2, 1991, Mayapur

March 1

Desire is the symptom of life. And life… it is eternal. What is the eternal desire that is the symptom of every living being? We should know what that desire is. That desire is actually situated in the heart of everyone. We want love, we want happiness. We want to experience real love.

March 1, 2009, Taichung, Taiwan

February 28

So if somebody doesn't surrender, there is no relationship. The relationship is based upon surrender.

February 28, 2010, Budapest

February 27

What should our austerities and penances be? It should be to participate in the sankirtan movement of Caitanya Mahaprabhu to willfully gives one's life to the satisfaction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu by distribution of the holy name of the Lord. It is recommended that this is the method of satisfying the Lord in this age of Kali.

Boston 1990

February 26

So either we accept anxiety to protect our own material attachments or we accept anxiety for Krishna's pleasure. So to satisfy Krishna, a devotee is willing to accept disturbances and those disturbances actually become an impetus for his own satisfaction because Krishna wants to see how a devotee is accepting austerities for pleasing Him and when He sees that devotee accepting austerity for His pleasure, then the Lord reciprocates according to that devotee's efforts. How does He reciprocate? He reciprocates by gradually revealing Himself to that devotee.

February 26, 2004, Mayapur

February 25

So how did Lord Caitanya teach by His own example how to always think of Krishna? He was absorbed in the mood of the topmost devotee of Goloka Vrindavan – Srimati Radharani. He was Krishna Himself, but He assumed the mood of Radhika. Therefore what was He doing? He was always chanting the names of Krishna.

February 25, 2004, Mayapur

February 24

Nonetheless, as long as one has a material body, devotees still must engage in social dealings. But they know that these affairs do not give them internal satisfaction. The body needs to be maintained if we want to use it for hearing and chanting. Devotees therefore need to discuss or deal with these matters in a minimal way so that the real purpose of maintaining the body is not forgotten.

February 24, 2010, Blog

February 23

One knows when he has received the mercy of the Lord when he is absorbed in thoughts of the Lord. That is the mercy that the devotees of the Lord are praying for.

Ottawa, Canada 1997
