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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 13

When duties are assigned, we must see how they are ultimately coming from Krishna. If we don’t see them in that way, then we will always be thinking "I want to do some other duty." How can a society make progress when everybody is always thinking "I want to do something else"? So a devotee must see ultimately that his duties are coming from Krishna. It is Krishna who is arranging it through His representatives to engage everyone in various duties so they may advance in Krishna consciousness and go back to Godhead in the way we described.

March 13, 1991, Kiev

March 12

So these books are like places of pilgrimage for swans. They are only for persons who have some attraction for spiritual realm. The most wonderful thing about these books is that even if somebody doesn’t have any attraction, if they get one eleventh of a moment of association with Srila Prabhupada, that attraction can be awakened. That is the great beauty of these books. Although they are made for swan-like persons, by associating with these books, even the ugliest crows can become swans.

March 12, 1991, Kiev

Feb 16, 2013

So these books are like places of pilgrimage for swans. They are only for persons who have some attraction for spiritual realm. The most wonderful thing about these books is that even if somebody doesn’t have any attraction, if they get one eleventh of a moment of association with Srila Prabhupada, that attraction can be awakened. That is the great beauty of these books. Although they are made for swan-like persons, by associating with these books, even the ugliest crows can become swans.

March 12, 1991, Kiev

11 марта

Суть в том, что мы должны быть готовы стать низжайшими слугами, и поэтому, мы молимся Кришне: «Пожалуйста, позволь мне быть занятым в служении Тебе.» Кришна будет проверять нас. Он даст нам возможность служить, но если мы скажем: «Нет, не это служение, я специалист.» Тогда Кришна скажет: «Какой же ты специалист? Ты можешь быть специалистом в любого рода вещах, но в чем ценность этого, если у тебя нет связи со Мной?»

11 марта, 1993, Москва

March 10

When one reads Srila Prabhupada's books we can see how Srila Prabhupada always presents his instructions and his orders in line with the statements of the scriptures and he always quotes the previous acaryas in support of his statements, and therefore we can see that his behavior is consistent with "guru, sadhu and sastra". So, similarly, in accepting direction from others one must be very careful to make sure that this person also represents "guru, sadhu and sastra". We must see that he is a servant of a vaishnava.

March 10, 1991, Kiev

March 9

People suffer within the material world because they do not know that there are certain laws which govern the material universe. Because they think the standard is whatever makes them feel good, where in the spiritual world the standard is whatever makes Krishna feel good. The spontaneous affection that devotees have towards the Lord and the spontaneous dealings that they have are all derived by their pure unalloyed love for Him. Their love is completely pure, and that pure love is what Krishna is bound by. But when that love is pervertedly reflected as lust in the material world, the living entity is bound hand and foot by the stringent laws of material nature.

March 9, 1991, Kiev

March 8

Krishna's personality is so great, His intelligence is so deep and His purpose is so inconceivable, that a devotee realizes he can never fully understand Krishna. That is one realization of Krishna, that Krishna is beyond understanding by blind material senses. Krishna is adhoksaja, which means that He cannot be understood simply by some material formulas, He can only be understood by devotion. Without devotion to Krishna it is not possible to understand anything about Him.

March 8, 1991, Izori

March 7

And even though there may be appear to be some fault, even though there may be appear to be some conflict, if everyone is trying to please Krishna, then that is the platform of harmony.

March 7, 2007, Hartford

March 6

In the material world the embodied living entity has so may things that he has to do. If he doesn’t do it, he suffers and if he does do it, he gets some flickering pleasure and still he suffers. I have to do this, I have to do that. I have to work. I have to satisfy this person, I have to satisfy that person. If I do not do it, there will be some reactions. I have to pay the rent. If I don’t pay the rent, I will be out of my house. There are so many things we have to do because we are conditioned. We are bound.

March 6, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan

March 5

A vaishnava will never foolishly think that actually he should first serve man and that is serving God. A vaishnava knows that by serving God he is automatically serving everyone. When one serves Krishna, he is serving everyone else, just as when one is watering the root of the tree he is simultaneously nourishing all the branches, leaves and twigs.

March 5, 1991, Moscow
