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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

April 22

Real atonement means awakening into one's heart of an attraction for the name, form, qualities and pastimes of the Supreme Lord.

April 22, 1999, Dnepropetrovsk

April 21

Everybody is being troubled, but they try to overcome their troubled condition by accepting hallucination, which is also trouble, a hallucination which we actually think is the cure. But just as a person doesn’t counteract a troublesome dream by troublesome hallucination, he must be awoken from his dreaming condition. In the same way, materialistic people, who are trying to counteract their suffering condition, they have to be awoken to their Krishna consciousness.

April 21, 1994, Moscow

April 20

As long as one tries to become free from entanglement without understanding his actual relationship with the Supreme, his attempt to become free from entanglement becomes the cause for further entanglement.

April 20, 1992, St. Petersburg

April 19

We have to hear these transcendental descriptions of the Lord's pastimes, because by hearing these descriptions it should create eagerness within us to give more to Krishna.

April 19, 1992, St. Petersburg

April 18

The illusory energy is so powerful, that a person is thinking "I actually am so happy now, how is it going to be a source of misery?" Anything temporary that we become attached to ultimately becomes a source of misery when we lose it.

April 18, 1999, Kishiniov

April 17

In Kali yuga people are always looking for a way to get out of surrendering. So we try to make so many different arrangements to avoid surrendering, but actually if we come in contact with a genuine thing, it’s very difficult to avoid surrendering. That is the potency that comes when one is preaching and actually following. Srila Prabhupada was preaching the truth and he was himself perfectly following what is a surrendered life.

April 17, 2004, Kiev

April 16

Due to our conditioning, we are very quick to judge others' behavior, we are very quick to justify our own behavior, that I was right and he was wrong. This is the disease of the material world. This is actually the reason why we are in the material world. This very mentality.

April, 16, 1992, Riga

April 15

It may appear that we are not advancing, it may appear that we are even degrading, but if we keep in association, just like we keep in the boat… Just like a person in the boat… the waves are coming, and he may be thinking “oh, I am really being tossed and turned by these waves." Yes you are being influenced, but stay in the boat, stay in the association of devotees.

April 15, 2004, Kiev

April 14

A devotee cannot be inactive for a moment, because he knows that a living entity can never be inactive for a moment. What drives the activity of the living entity? Desire. Desire is the eternal companion of the soul. So the vaishnava's desire is to please his worshipable Lord.

April 14, 1994, Moscow

April 13

When a devotee is actually fixed in Krishna consciousness, he is never bewildered with any change, because he always sees everything in relationship with Krishna.

April 13, 1996, Minsk
