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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 3

But what does really awaken the spirit of renunciation within the heart? The spirit of renunciation means to give up the enjoying spirit. Without giving up this enjoying spirit it’s not actually possible to be renounced.

June 3, 1994, St. Petersburg

June 2

For those who are too much attached, they lack that determination, determination which is required to stick to serving. Whatever service one has for the satisfaction of the Lord, a devotee must think “This is for the Lord's pleasure, not mine.”

June 2, 2003, Moscow

June 1

Therefore, please do not let yourself become too depressed. There is no need for depression as long as there are devotees who are eager to recite the Lord's glories present with us on this planet. There is no more auspicious place to be than that place where the Lord's devotees are chanting His glories. Please. Enter this place with faith, and let Lord Caitanya's pastimes flow into your heart. You will become happy.

June 1, 1999, Letter Hartford

May 28

In Krishna's system of management, real authorities are those who actually represent the highest authority, and they do not become proud of the responsibility they have because they are always conscious of the fact that they are servants and not masters.

May 28, 1996, Letter

May 27

Sometimes we hear the expression that the Lord helps those who help themselves. What does that mean? How do we help ourselves? We help ourselves by cultivating the right attitude in approaching the Lord. What is that right attitude? "Only Krishna can help me."

May 27, 2002, Moscow

May 26

One thing that has been learned is that it is the duty of parents to teach Krishna consciousness to their children by their own example. In the long run, that will bear the most positive impact upon their children, whether they grow up in gurukulas or in slaughterhouse schools.

May 26, 2006, Letter

May 25

Sometimes we think "Krishna is giving me something, and therefore if Krishna is giving it to me, I should use it." But actually if we don’t use it for Krishna, it didn’t come from Krishna. It simply came through the illusory energy of Krishna.

May 25, 1998, Sochi

May 24

Every living entity has the potential or the desire to love somebody, to serve somebody, to please somebody, but this desire can not be fulfilled. We cannot be satisfied until we find a proper receptacle for that desire. If we try to satisfy the material desires of others, we will only became frustrated, because nobody can be satisfied by the fulfillment of their material desires. Then how can we become satisfied if we try satisfy the material desires? We want to satisfy them but they are never satisfied, and the natural desire we have, to want to satisfy somebody, is never fulfilled.

May 24, 2009, Kiev

May 23

If a person can not control his mind and senses, why he should try to conquer everybody simply by criticism? First conquer the mind and senses and actually help others to become Krishna conscious. This is the real solution to the problem.

May 23, 1998, Novorossyisk

May 22

Humility is the best way to teach others, even if it appears that they need chastisement. You should never think that you would be at a loss by remaining humble. A devotee will always benefit, and, ultimately, will gain respect in a natural way—not in a forceful way.

May 22, 2002, Letter
