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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 2

What does it mean to have faith in the Holy Name? One actually has to have faith that by chanting the Holy Name of the Lord one can achieve the ultimate goal of life, that he can achieve ecstatic love of the Supreme Lord.

July 2, 2001, Tallin

July 6

We must act for Krishna's pleasure, and, by cultivating a desire to please guru and Krishna internally, all of our external activities will in due course of time fall into the right place. It is not easy, but if we can learn how to take help from the Lord within, who knows everything He needs to know about us, He will give us more strength to stay on the right course.

July 6, 2006, Letter

July 1

It is very difficult to understand our relationship with Krishna if we are not willing to serve Him.

July 1, 1990, Izory

June 30

We establish connections with friendship; we establish connections with love of this material world, we establish connections with family, to society. We establish all these connections to attempt, to fulfil my lack, because we all feel some lack. Why do we feel that lack? Because we lost that connection with Krishna.

June 30, 2000, Kishiniov

June 29

When Prabhupada was comparing the broken heart to be like earthen pot that can not be repaired, he was talking about somebody who does not have complete faith in Krishna, because when one has complete faith in Krishna, Krishna will never break the heart such that it can not be repaired. June 29, 2010, Kiev

June 28

A devotee chants feelingly, which means with a sense of dependence: “I need You Krishna.”

June 28, 2008, Ottawa

June 27

If we always try to avoid obstacles, we have to be careful, because at the same time we may be avoiding instructions of the spiritual master, because the spiritual master has given some instruction, which required surrender on our part, and although we may see some difficulty there, we can start to speculate “Oh, what is Krishna telling me? Maybe Krishna is telling me that I shouldn’t do this.” Speculation. It is because of some obstacle. It is not Krishna telling us that we shouldn’t do it, it is maya whispering into our ears: “Don’t surrender to Krishna”.

June 27, 1995, Dnepropetrovsk

June 26

Therefore the devotee always prays to the Lord: “Please, I want to love You exclusively. I do not want anything else. Under all circumstances, whatever situations You put me in, don’t let me forget You. And because You are the Supreme enjoyer, my life is meant for Your pleasure. Please take me and use me as You wish. Let me be Your eternal servant.”

June 26, 2005, Moscow

June 25

Whoever gives us Krishna is guru. That’s how we know. So that person who inspires us in Krishna consciousness and who inspires us to serve Krishna, and who provides the inspiration to continue to serve Krishna so that we can always be engaged in Krishna's service, we can understand that Krishna sent that person. When we are sincere and want to serve Him, that person is guru.

June 25, 1990, Ijory

June 24

We see that everyone in this material world, they are in a diseased condition, because they all think that they are these bodies. So they resist. “What is this person doing, approaching me, telling me about God?". But we have to do it. This like a doctor, he has a duty, he has to help a patient. We also have to help materialists to awaken their attraction to Krishna. So out of compassion, devotees preach.

June 24, 1998, Gomel
