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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 13

If it is not for Krishna's pleasure, then it is for our own pleasure. Devotional service is meant to make Krishna happy, not to make ourselves happy.

June 13, 2009, Kiev

June 12

The devotee is very eager to attain the mercy of the Lord. He’s meditating upon achieving the favor of the Lord, by meditating on pleasing the Lord. That is pleasing to the Lord. The Lord is pleased when the devotee is meditating in this way, and that’s what the Lord responds to and reciprocates with—the attitude of the devotee.

June 12, 2000, Kiev

June 11

Because a person, if he is an example, when he speaks, Krishna gives his words potency. That is also required when one actually wants to be an effective preacher in Krishna consciousness. Unless his words and instructions are actually given potency by the Lord, then he cannot actually change the hearts of others. A devotee, he doesn’t think that he is changing the hearts of others. A devotee is one who knows that only Krishna can change the hearts of others, because Krishna is in everyone’s heart.

June 11, 1996, Krasnodar

June 10

When a devotee tries to bind the Lord to his own desires, he will always remain unsuccessful, because the Lord is not bound if the devotee is thinking about his own desires. The Lord is bound when a devotee is thinking about the Lord's desires.

June 10, 1996, Rostov-on-Don

June 9

A vaishnava is one who actually knows the principles of religion. Why does he know the principles of religion? Because a vaishnava is always surrendered to the will of the Lord. And because he is surrendered to the will of the Lord, he is under the protection of Lord's internal potency. And when he is under the protection of the internal potency, he does not become affected by this material world. He doesn’t become attracted to wealth, he doesn’t become attracted to followers, he doesn’t become attracted to position. His only attraction is to the lotus feet of Krishna. And therefore Krishna keeps him very tightly under the protection of His internal potency.

June 9, 1996, Rostov-on-Don

June 8

A devotee accepts that when Krishna gives suffering, it is His perfect arrangement for me to surrender to Him. Therefore a devotee always is willing to accept suffering as a mercy of the Lord.

June 8, 1996, Rostov-on-Don

June 7

The duality of the material world ultimately doesn’t exist. Actually these dualities of the material world exist only because the living entity has conditioned intelligence, and this imaginary experience of the world which is separate from Krishna can be compared to the acts of dreaming and desiring. The dualities of the material world don’t actually exist. We are always thinking "This is good. This is bad." But we are thinking good and bad because we are thinking in terms of ourselves. But when one sees everything in connection to the Lord, the dualities are transcended.

June 7, 1998, Kishinev

June 6

So, enthusiasm, obviously, does not means to be passionate. Simply keeping ourselves busy, if we lose sight of the goal, will not actually satisfy ourselves. It will not increase our faith in the Lord, neither it will increase our faith in the holy name. There actually has to be a purpose for everything that we do.

June 6, 2001, Ekaterinburg

June 5

The important thing in understanding the unlimited nature of the Lord is that we should not try to capture the Lord and limit him in any way, that He reveals to us as much as we need to know in order to develop our love for Him. So therefore we should never think we can capture Krishna and limit Him in any way. We can only capture Him by our love. Therefore Krishna reveals enough of Himself that the devotee may love Him. That’s all the devotee needs to know.

June 5, 1994, Moscow

June 4

There are going to be many difficulties, many obstacles. But if we want to be successful in this endeavor, we have to be convinced that Krishna wants it. If we are convinced that Krishna wants it, then we will be successful, because then we can depend upon Him.

June 4, 2003, Moscow
