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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 14

To be a fool before the spiritual master means that we have to accept the answer the spiritual master gives to our question.

July 14, 1997, Moscow

July 13

If you try to maintain your sanity without Krishna, then you will be destined to failure. It is simply not possible. When the pressure builds up, take shelter in any one of the nine processes of devotional service. Sanity will automatically come. If you take shelter in something artificial, then it won’t lead to sanity. Things may seem to get better, but that is only an illusion.

July 13, 1996, Letter

July 11

By remembering the Lord even if one is suffering, he is not experiencing that as suffering. He experiences that suffering as something that helps him to remember the Lord. And this is the consciousness one must have in order to deal with suffering in the material world.

July 11, 1998, Sucharevo

July 10

Sacrifice simply means that we give up our own personal interests in order to please somebody else. That is sacrifice.

July 10, 2010, Budapest

July 9

What constitutes something of great value? What makes it valuable? Everybody calculates that which is valuable in terms of some material opulence. But we should understand that this quality of being valuable can only be understood in relationship to Krishna.

July 9, 1993, Moscow

July 8

The Lord will certainly go to that place, being drawn by the power of His devotee’s devotion to Him. So imagine how powerful devotional service is if it brings the all powerful Lord to some place. That means that devotional service is even more powerful than the Lord.

July 8, 1998, Suharevo

July 7

That is the difference between the devotee and the non-devotee: the devotee has awakened his faith. Without faith, there is no question of practicing bhakti yoga.

July 7, 2004, Lipetsk

July 5

Out of the nine processes of devotional service, hearing is the most important. And when the disciple is hearing, this gives the spiritual master such great satisfaction because it is the purpose of his existence in this world. He wants to glorify the Lord, but to whom should he glorify? Please understand this point. And if you don't understand, then please try to understand.

July 5, 1999, Letter

July 4

What is the greatest success in life? The greatest success in life is to be able to capture attention of the Lord.

July 4, 2008, Boston

July 3

The best way to speak the truth without distortion and deviation is by only speaking topics related to Krishna. This is how a devotee is always truthful.

July 3, 1996, Kiev
