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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 23

Discipline means that we do something that we may not necessarily want to do and when we accept that force and see that as connected to Krishna, then we become Krishna conscious. That’s how we become Krishna conscious and when we become Krishna conscious, we become inspired because that is where inspiration is coming from.

August 23, 2001, Odessa

August 22

So a devotee never feels hopeless in his attempts to advance in Krishna consciousness. He always feels hope because he has the Holy Name of the Lord given to him by vaishnavas. He has the association of vaishnavas. He has the means to achieve all perfection, but he has to feel helpless like a child crying for his mother.

August 22, 2008, New Vraja Dhama

August 21

A very confidential service for the spiritual master is to help others in protecting their faith in Krishna consciousness. Because even if we have the most perfect organization, perfect structure, still a lot of times things happen where a person's faith is affected.

August 21, 2008, New Vraja Dham

August 20

So that which is inconceivable can be understood if one accepts that the Lord has inconceivable energies, because by the inconceivable energies of the Supreme Lord, that which is inconceivable can be conceived. But without surrendering to the Lord, they will always remain inconceivable.

August 20, 2008, Budapest

August 19

It is very difficult sometimes to engage in devotional service when one is not getting any result. But the real result that we should be looking for is that our attachment for Krishna should be increasing and we can directly perceive this to the degree that we take up devotional service with an attitude of love of Krishna.

August 19, 1989, Moscow

August 18

That is the nature of the Lord. he is very inclined to accept the devotion of His devotee but a devotee thinks “ I have not enough love to serve Krishna. I have no qualification. Why would Krishna want something from me?”

August 18, 2011, Almaty

August 17

... Just as Krishna says: "If you offer Me a little leaf, a flower, a fruit or water with love and devotion - that's what I will accept." If in his consciousness one is offering with love - that's what He is accepting. It's the consciousness with which one is working. But if one is working thinking: "I want the result," then Krishna doesn't accept, and neither does Krishna give the result.

August 17, 1996, Toronto, Canada

August 16

Independence is given because the living entity cannot experience love without independence. How could one love God without choice? That’s not love. Love means choice. So, in order to experience love, we have to have choice. When we voluntarily give our love to God, then we actually can experience love in its fullest extent.

August, 16, 1999, Kursk

August 15

We have to become free from the external designations, because they are all temporary. This is the platform of realized knowledge. The only designation of the self which is eternal and constant, which continues after the death of this body, is “I am a servant of Krishna”. One who has realized that is always engaged in Krishna's service.

August 15, 1992, Dnepropetrovsk

August 14

To the degree that we chant with feeling, we are associating. To the degree that we don’t chant with feeling – we are not associating. To the degree that we hear others with feeling – we are associating, and to the degree that we lack in interest in hearing – we are not associating. That is what it means to associate – it is with feeling. A feeling of urgency and the cultivation of desire.

August 14, 2008, Kiev
