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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 13

To the degree that we are convinced that the nature of this world is to be full of calamities, then it increases the chance that we will turn to Krishna in the time of calamity.

August 13, 2005, Vitebsk

August 12

Mercifulness means to overlook the disqualifications of others and, despite their disqualification, one is magnanimous towards them.

August 12, 2005, Minsk

August 11

How to be sincere? A symptom of a person who is sincere is that he is always trying to follow. That is the characteristic of sincerity. He is always endeavoring because he is sincere. And when we ask how to be sincere, it is something that is based on desire. As we said, desire is the eternal companion of the soul. Either we are desiring Krishna or we are desiring maya. If a person is sincere, then Krishna arranges to give him proper instruction so that he can overcome maya.

August 11, 1999, Tula

August 10

Firm faith in the Holy Name of the Lord should be there before taking initiation. We must actually have this experience of the glories of the Holy Name of the Lord before accepting the Holy Name of the Lord.

August 10, 2002, Minsk

August 9

So therefore we have to hear about Krishna in the association of devotees so that we begin to get a little understanding about Krishna, because the more we know how wonderful Krishna is the more we want actually to do something for Him, to please Him. We want to give Him everything. Even if we give a little flower, fruit, water or leaf, Krishna says if it is offered with love and devotion, He is very much inclined to accept it. But one who actually knows Krishna, he want to give Krishna everything. He wants to give not simply some fruit, leaf or water. One wants give Him love. He wants to give Krishna his life.

August 9, 1998, Kursk

August 8

I am firmly convinced that turbulence and constant change exists in everyone's life within in this world. But the one Personality whom we can find complete shelter in is Krishna. He gives His full assurance that He will protect His devotees under all circumstances. Such protection and our own conviction of that protection, enables one to be peaceful in all circumstances. By regularly chanting Krishna's names, we can gradually develop that complete conviction.

August 8, 1986, Letter to Lucille

August 7

The intelligent person must control the mind by preventing himself from seeing things as separate from Krishna. When the mind becomes thus controlled, then he comes to the platform of complete fearlessness. His fear immediately goes away because he understands that "Yes, everything moves according to the will of the Lord. I have a relationship with the Lord." And his faith in the Lord increases more and more as he experiences the Lord's presence in his life.

August 7, 2000, Odessa festival

August 6

When one is bewildered in execution of his duty, he doesn’t come to the spiritual master and say “Guru Maharaja can I do another service?” Actually, when one is bewildered in executing his duty, he should be asking how to remain steady in execution of that duty. That’s what it means to accept a spiritual master. The spiritual master is not simply certification for our desires.

August 6, 1998, Smolensk

August 5

That is how you can recognize bona fide spiritual master. He gives you only one thing. He is not interested in giving anything else. He is always simply giving Krishna.

August 5, 1998, Tula

August 4

So faith is a very, very important thing, and very closely connected to consciousness, but we must place our faith in the proper object. If we always place our faith in the material world, then our consciousness will always be in the material world and we always will become disappointed. But if we actually place our faith in Krishna, then we will become detached from the material world and ultimately we will find shelter in Krishna consciousness.
August 4, 1998, Tula
