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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

September 2

Diksha is an ongoing process. It doesn’t take place simply at the front of the fire. It is a continual process of watering that seed which is planted. There must be a continuation of knowledge because when continuation of knowledge is openly reveled, within the heart, then that natural spontaneous desire to continue to render service to the Lord also remains awaken within the heart. Therefore devotional service gradually becomes awakened.

September 2, 1998, Riga

September 1

So in the same way if we simply call out to Krishna in this way “ He Govinda, He Gopal, Kesava, Madhava, Dina Dayal”… He is very merciful to those who are fallen.

September 1, 2006, Hartford

August 31

Krishna makes any possible arrangement to try to attract the living entity. He knows exactly what we need to attract all the living entities back to Godhead, but when the living entity wants to be kicked and bitten, what can Krishna do? You just simply have to go to maya. She will have to kick and bite you. And that is exactly what maya does.

August 31, 1991, Riga

August 30

Therefore sometimes people will think that “My faith is weak, I don’t believe that Krishna exists”, because they haven’t learned how to see Krishna in their life from one day to the next. First one has to learn how to see Krishna this way before they can see Krishna dancing with the gopis.

August 30, 2005, Mogiliov

August 29

What does it mean to have conviction that Krishna will always protect you? It means that one must have the conviction that if they simply go on serving Krishna, that is the safest place to be.

August 29, 2003, Odessa

August 28

We may think “Oh yes, I am a vaishnava, therefore I am superior to others who are not vaishnavas.” We may be become proud of our position of being vaishnavas simply because we have changed our dress, but if we haven’t changed our consciousness, then what is the value? So if one becomes proud thinking “Yes, I am a vaishnava”, then it can be a designation and all kinds of designations of this nature actually can distract one from the path of devotional service.

August 28, 2003, Odessa

August 27

Why does Krishna come? Krishna comes for our benefit. Krishna comes for the benefit of the conditioned souls who have forgotten Him. There is nothing for Him to gain by appearing in this world. He is not coming to collect some personal servants, He comes to display these pastimes and attract the living entity back to His eternal realm of enjoyment and pleasure.

August 27, 2005, Moscow

August 26

What pleases a vaishnava is seeing others become vaishnavas. So you feel that debt. “I want to please him, because he helped me in Krishna consciousness. But how can I please him? I have to please him in what pleases him in the highest way. He wants to see others become Krishna conscious and I have a debt I can never repay."

August 26, 1992, Lvov

August 25

From Krishna's perspective actually the living entities are not even suffering because actually all living entities are eternal. They are only suffering because of their identification with the material nature. That identification is illusory.

August 25, 1997, Kiev

August 24

So we must always keep Krishna consciousness present. We must always face the light and not turn our backs on Krishna. As long as we are always moving forward to Krishna, Krishna will see that our desire is to go forward, and when Krishna sees that that is our desire, He pulls. That is Krishna. He is all attractive. That means He’s also pulling.

August 24, 1992, Doneck
