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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 23

We should maintain complete faith that whatever Krishna's plan is, it is perfect. "If Krishna wishes to take me back home, back to Godhead then why should I resist, if that is Krishna's plan? If Krishna wants me to stay in the material world and he wants me to preach Krishna Consciousness, if that is his plan, then Krishna will provide all facility, If that is what he wants. If that is His plan for me, then certainly Krishna will give the facility for me to spread His glories. Whatever Krishna's plan is, I will accept it, but I know one thing only: I want to keep Krishna in the center of my life." Everybody should work in this consciousness. And that will invoke the mercy of the Lord. And therefore we all will be able to see the Lord's plan unfold before our eyes. This is Krishna Consciousness.

June 23, 1996, Vinnica

June 22

We should not think “Oh, because I am doing some service, therefore I am connected”. No, the most important service is this chanting and it should never been neglected. Everything else you are doing, whether you are cooking, cleaning, driving, distributing books, it doesn’t make any difference what your service is. The service is all meant increase your attachment to the Holy Name, and when you meditate on the Holy Name in this way, then you get all strength to go on with your service.

June 22, 2001, Irkutsk

June 21

If one wants to understand the personality of the Supreme Lord, the Lord has to be willing to reveal it. If the Lord is not willing to reveal, we may study, read, perform austerities, we may cry, we may demand. It doesn’t make any difference. Unless He is willing to reveal we will never know about Him.

June 21, 2000, Dnepropetrovsk

June 20

How is it possible to have no other goal in life except to render service to God? The only way it is possible is by coming in contact with the Supreme Lord and that is the point that is being made here. That one has to actually come into contact with pure devotional service. If he doesn’t come into contact with pure devotional service he himself cannot experience what is pure devotional service and neither can he obtain pure devotional service. To those who do not come into contact with pure devotional service they simply come into contact with karma, jnana and yoga.

June 20, 1996, Kishiniov

June 19

There is a certain symptom that is manifest in the person who is sheltered. It is that he is able to face adversity without being disturbed, that he is able to go on serving, taking shelter of the Holy Name of the Lord without any material consideration.

June 19, 2004, Moscow

June 18

Qualified brahmanas have the ability to see how things can be properly used for the service of the Lord, because they are detached. They are detached, humble and tolerant, and they are able to offer whatever they have in sacrifice and to give whatever they have in their possession in charity.

June 18, 1998, Kiev

June 17

June 17 It’s a fact: Krishna doesn’t give us a test that we can not pass. But if we don’t pass it , it doesn’t mean that it's Krishna's fault. He gives us a test in proportion to our ability to surrender. So someone may say “ I did not pass the test, so Krishna gave me a test that was more than I was able to pass.” But it’s not Krishna's fault that we did not pass that test. We also have free will. We also have choice in this whole arrangement. We can pass it, because Krishna can give us the strength to pass it. He is the reservoir of all strength. He knows just what we need to overcome the influence of illusion. He knows just what test to give us. So if we did not pass, it is because we did not take shelter of Him.

June 17, 1996, Odessa.

June 16

If one loses faith in the process of chanting of the Holy Name of the Lord, the power of the Holy Name of the Lord, then they have to cry, tears should come from their eyes. They should actually be praying and crying to Krishna “Please do whatever is necessary to restore my faith in the Holy Name of the Lord.” These tears are the price one has to pay to stay under the protection of this internal potency. Without these tears in ones eyes and a further desire to pray for the Lord's protection, Prabhupada says that maya can take you at any moment.

June 16, 2002, Kiev

June 15

So, it is not that one should give up his work, but one must learn how to work. He has to change his consciousness. He should understand that this work is not simply for the maintenance of this body. He has to learn how to work for Krishna. It means to put Krishna in the center of his life. If one wants to put Krishna in the center of his life then the first thing he must do is regularly hear and chant about Krishna.

June 15, 1996, Nikolaev

June 14

The Lord will become so eager to accept the offerings of His devotees, however small, however large. The Supreme Lord knows how to take something that appears very small and insignificant and make it very very big, because He knows the attitude with which it has been offered. So even though one offering may appear very small and insignificant, if it is offered with love, the Lord will be very eager to accept that offering. But even if one offers millions of dollars, but if simply does it out of false pride, the Lord is not so eager to accept.

June 14, 2003, Moscow
