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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 21

The inferior goal is when a person is attached to some idea for enjoyment; he connects everything he does to that idea of enjoyment, but that is all illusion. When a person becomes attached to Krishna and becomes attached to the idea of pleasing Krishna, he must connect everything he does to that goal. That is the best way to become detached.

May 21, 1998, Novorossyisk

May 20

You are right; one should not keep a superficial relationship with the spiritual master. Personal association certainly helps, but hearing from the spiritual master builds the foundation for personal association. I am therefore making every effort to increase my availability to my disciples by providing recorded material and written material for this association—especially considering that it is becoming increasingly more difficult for me to maintain such a rigorous traveling schedule as I have been accustomed to for the last 15 years.

May 20, 2002 Letter

May 19

If you really want to be resolved, then you simply have to make a decision. Determine what is best for Krishna's service and do it. Then Krishna sees the endeavour that you are making to please Him. The result is not significant, because Krishna gives the result.

May 19, 2004, Dnepropetrovsk

May 18

By assisting the spiritual master, gradually we become qualified to increase our attraction to hearing and chanting and to the degree we increase our attraction for hearing and chanting, to that degree we can assist the spiritual master in distributing the fruits. So it is very intimately connected. But one actually has to understand what it is that the spiritual master wants us to give.

May 18, 2004, Dnepropetrovsk

May 17

This is what it means to be connected to the disciplic succession: it means one must become responsible for others. And in the eyes of the Lord one is responsible to the Lord and to the entire disciplic succession if he doesn’t teach others what is the ultimate goal of life, how to work in the spirit of devotion, how not to work in the spirit of selfishness, how to offer the fruits of one's own work to Krishna and how to make Krishna the supreme goal of life. When one works in this way, then he can lead others in the right path.

May 17, 1998, Rostov on Don

May 16

Sometimes we are tested. Sometimes we may feel "I don’t think I have the strength to make it through this one. What can I do?" These are the most precious moments for a devotee. This is the turning point in the life of a devotee, because at this point it’s so clear – "I am helpless."

May 16, 2004, Simferopol

May 15

Our life is meant for purification and for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. Anybody who keeps this objective in his life and accepts simply some service for the Lord's pleasure, he will be recognized by the Lord.

May 15, 2005, Odessa

May 14

If a disciple rejects the spiritual master, the spiritual master is not obliged to take such a disciple back to Godhead, although sometimes out of his mercy, out of kindness, he may do this. So it is not that simply if one takes initiation, that actually he gets a ticket back to Godhead. As Prabhupada makes clear in “Nectar of Devotion”, if a disciple rejects the instructions of the spiritual master, he once again becomes fallen.

May 14, 1994, Odessa

May 13

The process works, it’s a science. If one strictly follows, he will actually begin to experience all these problems going away and if one loses his determination to strictly follow, he loses his enthusiasm for the simple basic practices of Krishna consciousness and instead his mind starts becoming absorbed in personal comforts.

May 13, 1998, Dnepropetrovsk

May 12

One actually has to come to the platform of goodness before he can come to the transcendental platform. Therefore he has to perform his duties because they have to be done and any obstacle in the execution of their duties increases one's determination to hear about Krishna.

May 12, 1998, Dnepropetrovsk
