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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

April 12

All that sense gratification in this life will get you so much suffering in your next life. And the foolish materialist, he looks at that and he is envious. “He is enjoying, I want to enjoy just like he does.” That means "I want to suffer just like he will."

April 12, 1994, Moscow

April 11

We have to be in the association of devotees who remind us that there is more to bhakti than coming to the Sunday feast, chanting Hare Krishna mindlessly and not endeavoring to advance in Krishna consciousness.

April 11, 2004, Kiev

April 10

The living entity can overcome the influence of material energy when Krishna removes that energy. Krishna can do it. He can remove all obstacles on the path, Krishna can take all suffering. Another name of Krishna is Mukunda, which means the giver of liberation. One simply must give up his envy of the position of the Lord.

April 10, 1996, Minsk

April 9

If the desire seeds are not uprooted, then they choke the determination to advance in spiritual life, because it is these material desires which are keeping us here in the material world. To give them up means that we have to adopt the process that Lord Krishna has given for purifying them within the heart. It is a fact that we must give them up, but not by our own efforts. If we try to give them up by our own efforts, we will never be able to give them up.

April 9, 1992, Minsk

April 8

We have to always tax our brains how to engage more and more people in Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan Movement, and sometimes the Lord may not manifest results just to increase our determination. On the other hand, sometimes by using our intelligence we must make adjustments in preaching strategies. But we must always be careful to make sure that our adjustments are done for Krishna's pleasure and not for ourselves.

April 8, 1988, Letter, Montreal

April 7

This is how you will be sustained in spiritual life - JUST TAKE PART! It is simply a joyful process. We can't just think how to maintain the temple, we have to think how to expand the preaching. If we misuse the temple for just maintenance, it will go down, but if we use it to expand the preaching then Lord Caitanya will sustain it.

Boston, April 1995

April 6

Krishna's pastimes and His names are always in relationship with His pastimes. And His pastimes are always in relationship with His devotees. Krishna is Yasodanandana, He is Nandanandana, He is always in relationship with His devotees. Whatever devotees are there, those pastimes are there.

April 6, 2003, Hartford

April 5

Another word for devotional service is bhakti. Another word similar to devotional service is love. Love means to render service to somebody without any expectation of getting something in return.

April 5, 2009, Taichung

April 4

How does a vaishnava disturb or unsettle those who are too much attached to their duties when Krishna says don’t disturb them from the performance of their duties? A vaishnava doesn’t try to disturb them from the performance of their duties, but a vaishnava is one who tries to attract them to the performance of higher duties.

April 4, 1999, Vilnius

April 3

One has to hear the glories of the Holy Name of the Lord, and one who actually hears the glories of the Holy Name will not remain indifferent. The more You hear the glories, the more you realize what a great valuable jewel you have in your possession and the more you will be careful how you deal with that valuable jewel. You will not use it for washing your clothes, you won’t use it for a weight on your net and you will not use it for playing ball. One who understands the real value of the Holy Name, will aspire for one thing only, to achieve the ripened fruit which the Holy Name can deliver, which is pure love for Krishna.

April 3, 2004, Doneck - Meeting with disciples
