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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

March 23

So Srila Prabhupada has given us a way to regulate our senses and he told us that Krishna Himself, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is going to come every morning at 4:30 and you should be there to greet Him. But we are so dull, being so covered by the mind and senses, we think that when alarm clock buzzes, "It's only mangala arati, why not sleep a little bit longer? Nobody will miss me anyway." But when everybody thinks like that, then when Supreme Lord appears, there is nobody to greet Him.

March 23, 1991, Minsk

March 22

For a devotee, "hell" means forgetfulness of Krishna. However, the devotee does not pray to Krishna to be delivered from hell. A devotee simply prays that the Lord will situate him in a place that will allow him to remember the Lord.

March 22, 2002, Letter

March 21

What is this Krishna consciousness? This Krishna consciousness is what dissipates the darkness of this material world. What is the darkness of the material world? It is simply forgetfulness of Krishna. It’s the forgetfulness that Krishna is everything. One who actually understands that Krishna is everything, then he sees Krishna everywhere. He doesn’t see the darkness of this material world. He sees everything as it is. Everything is connected to Krishna.

March 21, 2004, Kiev

March 20

So if we can’t use the philosophy of Krishna consciousness to solve our practical problems, then what is the value of Krishna consciousness? It’s not simply some lofty philosophy that we sit back in our rooms and just think about all day long which has no touch with our daily life. The beauty of Krishna consciousness is in its application. It’s not something ephemeral that we can just think about but can’t apply. It’s very practical, and we can apply it to our daily life every day, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

March 20, 1991, Kishiniov

March 19

Materialists are looking for material solutions and devotees are looking for the spiritual solutions, which are permanent solutions. A devotee knows that there is no real solution with a material solution. He knows that is simply a material adjustment. Everyone is simply adjusting one problem and putting it someplace else.

March 19, 1991, Kishiniov

March 18

Rightful inheritance means if one has inheritance left behind from his parents, in order to get what is rightfully his, the only thing he has to do is live. That’s all. It’s rightfully his. You just have to live and you will get it. So in the same way, a devotee who tolerates all kinds of adverse conditions, who continues to engage in Krishna's service and continues to glorify Krishna, his inheritance… All he has to do is live and he will get his inheritance.

March 18, 2008, Chowpatty

March 17

It is not that we should think that our activities are the center of our lives, and then we go open up the curtains and say “Welcome Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda. Come participate in our lila. Now we are going to chant Your holy names, and we want You to come and participate in our lila.” It’s not like that. Lord Caitanya's lila is going on and we come to participate in their lila. These activities are going on at every moment. It’s ever fresh. Therefore in establishing the worship of the Deity, there are fixed activities that go on through out the day.

March 17, 1993, Minsk

March 16

The vaishnava is so completely centered that even one moment's association can dissipate all illusions, can dissipate all distractions and center one on life’s ultimate goal in a moment. We may not be so empowered, but we should pray for the desire to become so empowered and to be so fixed in our spiritual center that we can give substance with just a glance or just a moment’s time, or just a quick answer. Then we will immediately pierce through the coverings of the false ego and enter into the heart and become meaningful to some jiva soul who needs to feel sheltered in Krishna consciousness.

March 16, 2008, Farm near Mumbai

March 15

Krishna consciousness is a natural state of shelter. One who takes shelter in Krishna finds peace and happiness within. He finds satisfaction in a way far different than ordinary materialists find satisfaction, because for one who takes shelter in Krishna, Krishna gives him full protection. Krishna actually provides protection to anyone who is dependent upon Him, and in all places, in all times, and in all circumstances, the best way to express our dependence on Krishna is simply to chant His glories.

March 15, 1991, Dnepropetrovsk

March 14

So we must understand that there are other religious principles that one can follow, but the highest principle is to surrender to Krishna's will. That was the whole basis of Krishna's instructions to Arjuna on the battlefield of Kurukshetra.

March 14, 1991, Dnepropetrovsk
