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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

November 5

When I talk about that word "sweetness" that's what I'm talking about― that taste of, "yes", that satisfaction from doing something that's really pleasing to Srila Prabhupada, and getting that confirmation in the heart. There is nothing sweeter than getting that confirmation in the heart, when there is no doubt in your mind, "I'm doing what my spiritual master wants me to do." It's a very, very sweet, sweet, sweet taste, incomparable to any taste that one can possibly get from anything in this material world. And Prabhupada was giving everybody the opportunity to taste that sweetness. That was his greatness. That he was pushing everybody by just expressing his desires.

November 5, 2009, Minsk

November 4

We should all aspire that we can live this life in subordination to a devotee of the Lord, and give up the foolish idea that we can be independent in this material world. It will not happen. It cannot happen. And the only way to become free from that illusion is to take shelter of the mercy of the devotees. That is the greatest fortune. That is what the pure devotees of the Lord pray for birth after birth, to have association of Krishna’s devotees, because they know that there is no other way that they can surrender to Krishna and get Krishna’s mercy except by the mercy of a devotee.

November 4, 2009, Minsk

November 3

When one actually places faith in a devotee of the Lord, the seed of devotional service is planted within the heart, and then one begins on the path of devotional service.

November 3, 1998, Novosibirsk

November 2

To be in Vrindavana actually means to be in Vrindavana consciousness. Vrindavana consciousness means accepting everything favorable to devotional service and rejecting everything unfavorable to devotional service.

November 2, 1996, Ekaterinburg

November 1

That is the goal of all of our activities in sadhana bhakti – somehow or other our mind has to become attached to Krishna. So these are the most powerful ways: hearing about Krishna, chanting Hare Krishna and speaking about Krishna.

November 1, 2001, Dnepropetrovsk

October 31

To make advancement means that whenever I can obtain help to make advancement, I should take that help.

October 31, 2001, Dnepropetrovsk

October 30

Krishna is supremely independent, which means that he can do whatever He wishes. And the living entity is minutely independent, which means that he can serve Krishna or serve maya.

October 30, 1993, Moscow

October 29

Everything else comes if one simply maintains this determination that I will never give up chanting Hare Krishna. The Lord will always protect one who takes shelter in Him and the Lord makes Himself so easily available in His name.

October 29, 2006, Moscow

October 28

So we cannot jump to the spontaneous platform of loving devotional service without first being obedient. But by being obedient to the instructions of the Supreme Lord and His devotees, gradually one can come to this spontaneous platform of devotional service which Krishna relishes more than simply obedience.

October 28, 2007, Budapest

October 27

Every living being by nature has to do something. Because a soul is eternal and the activity of the soul is desire, so everyone has to do something and not for a moment can the living entity be totally inactive. Because desire is the eternal companion of the soul, one has to learn how to transform this desire. Transform lust into love, transform work results into work for the pleasure of the Supreme Lord. This is when one truly understands the difference between action and inaction.

October 27, 2007, Budapest
