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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 16

We should avoid association of those who may distract our attention from Krishna. Sometimes devotees may not be so serious. It is not that everybody is immediately an advanced devotee simply by taking up the chanting of Hare Krishna. So we have to make some distinction, but we should be careful, that we do not become envious and criticize somebody because he is not an advanced devotee. The best way to help other devotees is to be a good example oneself.

October 16, 1992, St Petersburg

October 15

Mechanical activities will not generate bhakti. It just doesn't work that way. We actually have to become qualified to have it manifest in our hearts, and always being mechanical is disqualification. At some point, we have to start thinking "I need something more. I want something more. I have to get something more. I have to pray for it. It is not going to come unless I actually want it."

October 15, 2001, Kiev

October 14

How can anyone be a genuine friend when he is thinking of himself first? He has to give up this selfish mentality. Then he can be a real friend of all living entities. Only a devotee can give up this selfish mentality. A devotee can give up this selfish mentality because he doesn't need anything from anyone. He has found out how to become satisfied, without having to need anything from anyone, because he knows that there is only thing he really needs, which is to establish his relationship with Krishna.

October 14, 1993, Perm

October 13

The temples are actually meant for guests. The temples actually are not meant for our eating and sleeping. Of course we may eat and sleep while we are there, but we should be conscious of the fact of what the real purpose of the temple is. Prabhupada said that for ourselves, we can live under a tree, but actually we have these temples for bringing people to give them Krishna consciousness. Therefore this is the real purpose of the temple.

October 13, 1997, Almaty

October 12

Only those who have actually attained the shelter of the lotus feet of Krishna can become peaceful. What is the nature of that peacefulness? The nature of that peacefulness is that they are convinced that having achieved this shelter, nothing else is required.

October 12, 1994, Novosibirsk

October 11

We can see that there is a difference between attachments. When one is attached to the Lord, one is liberated. When one is attached to this material world, it is the cause of bondage.

October 11, 1997, Almaty

October 10

That is the mood of the disciple, that he is prepared to do whatever is pleasing to the spiritual master. Then generally the spiritual master is very pleased when he sees the disciple endeavoring to become Krishna conscious. That is first class disciple.

October 10, 1993, Moscow

October 9

What is the most dangerous type of fear? To forget that "I am an eternal servant of Krishna" and therefore to be motivated simply to have connection only to this world, which is temporary.

October 9, 2011, Budapest

October 8

We should all feel such a deep relationship with Srila Prabhupada. We should actually see how our spiritual master is helping us to deepen that relationship with Prabhupada. Therefore hearing and chanting about Prabhupada is also as good as hearing and chanting about Krishna, because Prabhupada did not have any activity which was not connected to Krishna.

October 8, 1997, Almaty

October 7

Until we come to the platform of unflinching, unalloyed devotional service, the Lord will not be fully pleased with our activities. It is not such a quick thing to immediately fully please Him. Of course we know that by the mercy of the spiritual master, if he is pleased by our activities, then that will enable us to actually awaken the Lord's pleasure.

October 6, 1997, Moscow
