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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

September 25

Material anxiety means to be in anxiety about myself. Spiritual anxiety is to be anxiety about Krishna. When we are actually in spiritual anxiety, it is purifying, it is liberating; but when we are always in anxiety about ourselves, it is binding, it simply entangles us in the material world.

September 25, 1997, Minsk

September 24

Everything that we do, we should do as an offering to Krishna and to remember Krishna constantly. And therefore by that constant endeavor to remember the Lord and the execution of all our activities, we will attain that ultimate goal – going back home, back to Godhead.

September 24, 1992, Rostov

September 23

In our personal spiritual life, part of the process of moving forward is recognizing where our obstacles are. Therefore, there are so many descriptions in the scriptures of where the obstacles to pure devotional service are.

September 23, 2004, Moscow

September 22

Rather than simply withdrawing the senses from the sense objects, the bhakti yogi replaces all thoughts in the mind with thoughts related to Krishna. When the mind is filled with thoughts of Krishna, then all other thoughts will go away.

September 22, 1992, Kaunas

September 21

It is Krishna's instructions that drive away all the inferior types of instructions that weak intelligence gives us. To be successful, replacement is always required because there is no void anywhere in the creation of the Lord.

September 21, 1992, Kaunas

September 20

One who possesses devotional service possesses Krishna, and one who possesses Krishna possesses everything.

September 20, 2009, Almaty

September 19

Humility is the natural characteristic of the soul, yet it is very difficult to be humble in this material world because our existence in this material world is contrary to the principles of humility. So the way to develop humility is by always engaging in devotional service.

September 19, 1992, Vilnius

September 18

Maya seems strong for those whose determination is weak.

September 18, 2008, Ukraine festival

September 17

Krishna is the source of this material world, therefore we understand that this material world is not false. Because it is not false, it is connected to Krishna, it belongs to Krishna, but we know, we understand that it is temporary. That is the difference between matter and spirit. Therefore we see that the relationships of this world, they are all subject to destruction, where the relationships of the spiritual world are eternal.

September 17, 2008, Ukraine festival

September 16

We should become anxious for the service of the Lord. We should become anxious to do more for the Lord. That’s how we should know we are advancing in devotional service, that we become anxious to do more to please Krishna. So, spiritual anxiety means awakening of these desires. This is bhakti. I need mercy, I need to develop my love for Krishna, I have to do more for Krishna. That’s spiritual anxiety. That’s purifying.

September 16, 2008, Ukraine festival
