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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 6

If one actually wants to know what is there within the heart of the devotees, one actually has to serve the devotees.

October 6, 2002, Divnomorsk

October 5

Even if it may appear that there is no taste. Even if it appears that there is no spontaneous attraction to the chanting of Holy Name of the Lord, even if our faith is not sufficiently strong in the instructions of the spiritual master, we must be convinced that the only way to strengthen that faith, to increase that faith, is by the surrendering process.

October 5, 1995, St.Petersburg

October 4

The Supreme Lord will never manifest Himself to one who has no spiritual strength. For those who are not situated in such an exalted platform of prema bhakti, what is their hope? One actually has to understand that in order to obtain spiritual strength, one has to seek his strength from one who actually has strength.

October 4, 2004, Divnomorsk

October 3

Not only do we need to know the answers that Srila Prabhupada gave to questions, but we have to understand his heart, because by understanding his heart, we can understand the motives he has in giving these answers to these questions.

October 3, 2004, Divnamorsk

October 2

Therefore the impersonalists who are accustomed to logic and argument can never approach the Supreme Lord in His personal feature, because they are more dependent upon logic and argument than they are dependent upon sabda brahma. Whenever they read scripture, they impose their own conclusions on the scripture. They take a statement from scripture and they say, "This means this." But it doesn't mean that. It means what it says. Those who are faithful accept it on the strength of what it says.

October 2, 2011, Budapest

September 30

A Vaishnava is one who sees the good in others. He sees Krishna in the heart of all living entities, and he is always praying to Krishna within the heart, "How can I magnify that good? How can I fan that spark of Krishna consciousness?" Therefore, in order to be a preacher in Krishna consciousness, one must see Krishna in the hearts of others. One must see the good in others.

September 30, 1995, Novgorod

September 29

If we have no shelter and we try to give shelter, we are not giving a real thing. To give shelter one must be sheltered.

September 29, 2004, Divnamorsk

September 28

Krishna is attracted where there is devotion. That’s the most important. Although one may be a neophyte devotee, if he endeavors try to please Krishna and he is constantly making this endeavor, even if his heart is not pure, Krishna is attracted by the endeavor and therefore He helps that devotee and appears and takes notice of that devotee. But the way to capture Krishna's attention is to make an endeavor to serve His devotee. That’s how we get Krishna's attention, because Krishna's confidential devotees are so dear to Him, that Krishna is always is giving His confidential devotees attention.

September 28, 1992, Almaty

September 27

The most important is somehow or other to get the mind absorbed in Krishna. And when the mind becomes absorbed in thoughts of Krishna, Krishna's service, Krishna's instructions, Krishna's pastimes, Krishna's names, then the development of good qualities will manifest automatically and rules and regulations will come later.

September 27, 2009, Budapest

September 26

When a devotee gives Krishna, it is the most personal offering, because he is giving Krishna without any desire for anything in return. He simply wants to satisfy Krishna and when he satisfies Krishna, he can satisfy everyone else's desire. That is the most personal way to deal with others.

September 26, 1992, Rostov
