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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 7

Our test in Krishna consciousness is how much we are prepared to take shelter in Krishna. A devotee should take shelter of the Lord in all circumstances, whether he is in happiness or distress.

August 7, 2002, Minsk

August 6

You must engage in sadhana. Without sadhana, just running around, engaging your body, will not bring about the desired state of consciousness. "Sadhana" means chanting daily and endeavoring to chant attentively. It also means to somehow or other fix the mind on Krishna's form, pastimes, or qualities "every day". Yes, it is true that preaching is also sadhana if we are speaking about Krishna's instructions, form, qualities, and pastimes. Speaking about Krishna also brings about remembrance.

August 6, 2003, Letter

August 5

As much as our knowledge of Krishna is increasing, Krishna is increasing. So we cannot fully know Krishna, but we can love Krishna and Krishna can help us to know whatever we need to know in order to develop our love for Him.

August 5, 1992, Kiev

August 4

Every learned person knows that attachment to material things is the cause of bondage for the living entities. When the same attachment is applied to self-realized devotees, it opens the door to liberation. Becoming attached to the devotees means to become attached to hearing from them transcendental topics of the Lord and to become attached to engaging in their service.

August 5, 1992, Kiev

August 3

Shraddha is the root cause of qualification for pure devotional service. And how is shraddha awakened? Sadhu sanga.

August 5, 2004, Minsk

August 2

I suggest that you first settle in your mind where you will live, find some means of employment, and once you are steady in your work and your chanting, then you will be in a better position to consider accepting the responsibility of being a husband.

August 2, 2003, Letter

August 1

The devotee is one who accepts the will of the Lord as supreme.

July 30, 2008, Lithuania festival

July 31

So practicing devotional service means the eagerness to clean the heart, then the eagerness for the service of the Lord will be awakened within our hearts. The more we become greedy for it, the more we know we will make progress and the more that we become complacent, we know that it simply will lead to fall down.

July 30, 2008, Lithuania festival

July 30

The Lord knows how to eradicate the desires within our hearts. He can take them away. He can remove them from within our hearts, but we have to let Him take them away. One way to let Him take them away is that we should pray to Him “Plesae, take them away.” When chanting Hare Krishna we should pray “ Please clean my heart.”

July 30, 2008, Lithuania festival

July 29

Sometimes people continue to chant because they have been told to chant. They just continue to chant, and at some point in their spiritual life they may begin to ask themselves a question: "Has there ever been another reason for chanting other than just being told to chant?" One who chants with sincere feeling has another reason for chanting because with that sincere feeling he is actually experiencing that chanting is shelter; otherwise it is simply burning up in the waves of material desires.

July 29, 2011, Lithuania festival
