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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

September 28

When we are surrounded by opulence, we think we have power, control, so what need do we have to depend on God? We think ourselves self-sufficient. Then we think we do not want to see anyone superior to ourselves. This mentality is, of course, one of the characteristics of demons.

Lectures From a Disciple, p. 277, SB 4.30.12-13

September 27

One who is always absorbed in loving devotional service to Krsna has achieved the ultimate platform of surrender. We should look for those symptoms in the devotees, serve them, and will then have the hope that someday we can be fully surrendered ourselves.

June 1996

September 26

While the world recognizes the true qualities of the devotees, the devotees remain meek and humble. This is a principle of surrender. Surrender simply means to always depend upon Krsna; surrender is not artificial.

June 1996

September 25

The devotee does not want glorification, but glorifying the devotees gives Krsna pleasure. He wants to show the world, “Just see the qualities of My devotees! I want the whole world to see their qualities. My devotees don’t want recognition but pure love!”

Krasnodar, June 1996

September 24

Even if we are not fully devoted ourselves, if we associate with pure devotees, our hearts too will become gradually clean.

Krasnodar, June 1996

September 23

We cannot attract others to Krsna consciousness by an external show of devotion. Even if we try to behave like devotees, our imitation will not have the same effect. We have to actually become devotees.

Krasnodar, June 1996

September 22

The Supersoul in the heart fulfills the dictations of every living entity. If the living entity wants to forget the Lord, the Supersoul fulfills that desire. If the living entity wants to turn to Krsna, however, then Krsna will help the living entity from within the heart.

Krasnodar, June 1996

September 21

A devotee’s example is a very, very powerful principle. Those who see a devotee’s example have the potential of becoming attracted to Krsna. If we want to become effective preachers in Krsna consciousness, we must be empowered by the Lord’s potency. Otherwise, we cannot change others’ hearts.

Krasnodar, June 1996

September 20

If we are truly attracted to Krsna, we will be able to attract others; because Krsna is all attractive, those who are attracted to Him are also attractive.

Krasnodar, June 1996

September 19

Example is more powerful than precept. It is by example that we convince others how to behave.

June 1996
