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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 28

Devotees often say they don’t know what Krsna wants of them. We may sometimes be confused about our duty. But if we genuinely want to please Krsna and pray constantly in our chanting, “O Krsna, please engage me in Your service,” Krsna will gradually reveal our service to us. Then when we take up the appointed service, we will gain more and more revelation.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 310 (Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 27

If we maintain the desire to please Krsna as our constant aspiration, Krsna will reveal to us how it can be done.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 310 (Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 26

It is only our lack of experience in Krsna consciousness that we don’t feel the dynamism of our relationship with Krsna. A truly Krsna conscious person experiences a continual exchange between himself and the Lord. He knows that Krsna is leading him through a variety of engagements, or variety in his engagement, to help him become more fixed in His service. If we want to experience that variety, we have to prepared to do what Krsna wants us to do, to see how Krsna will reveal to us our particular path of surrender.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 310 (Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 25

A devotee’s ultimate goal is to do whatever Krsna wants him to do. If Krsna wants him to go back to Godhead, he wants to go. If Krsna wants him to stay, he wants to stay. Pleasing Krsna is a devotee’s ultimate goal. A devotee has no separate interest from Krsna’s interest.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 309 (Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 24

Even a moment of real turning to Krsna, of offering Him our service free from material motivation, can draw Krsna’s attention to us. Then we can make progress on the Krsna conscious path. Therefore, we should both be patient and confident that the ultimate goal can be achieved.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 309 (Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 23

When we depend on Krsna for protection, He sees our fragility and wants to protect us. Krsna knows that the demigods cannot protect us. We have no one else but Him. Therefore, He feels bound to protect those who approach Him for shelter.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 309 (Bhaktyaloka, Moscow)

October 22

The devotees are those who have controlled themselves from enjoying this world and have come to want only enjoyment in Krsna’s service. Those who are not selfcontrolled are controlled by the sense objects around them.

Bhaktyaloka, Moscow, date is unknown

October 21

We must be careful not to unnecessarily criticize others. We should be honest with ourselves. We should understand that if we are mentally absorbed in the other devotees’ faults, we will not be able to appreciate their good qualities, and without being able to see the good in them or in others, we will not be able to preach. We should learn to take shelter of those who are more advanced so that we can elevate our own consciousness. That is our only chance.

SB 4.11.11 Kaunas, September 1995

October 20

When we think that advancement in spiritual life means being recognized by being offered a position, we are in trouble. Position is a symbol of status, and if we are neophytes, we will take it not as an opportunity to increase our service to the Vaisnavas but as a sign that we are superior to them.

SB 4.11.11 Kaunas, September 1995

October 19

A devotee is never disrespectful to anyone, because disrespecting others would be disrespecting Krsna within their hearts.

SB 4.11.11 Kaunas, September 1995
