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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

November 7

Making decisions that are favorable to bhakti takes patience, because we cannot always immediately see the results of our activities. We have to leave the results up to Krsna and remain dependent on Him. If we were able to fully depend upon Krsna in every endeavor, always trying to do what is best for His service, Krsna may choose to arrange things beyond anything we could have expected.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 322, Bhaktyaloka, Moscow, 1.12.97

November 6

Our duty is simply to think about what would be most pleasing to Krsna. What is most pleasing to Krsna is to help others become Krsna conscious. The decision to preach because it is pleasing to Krsna is the best motivation. If we hold this favorable objective in our minds while sharing Krsna consciousness with others, then we cannot fail.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 321, Bhaktyaloka, Moscow, 1.12.97

November 5

If we are motivated by what is favorable for us,we are not striving for pure devotion; if we are motivated by what is favorable for Krsna, then we are moving toward pure bhakti. Examining our motives is part of devotional practice.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 321, Bhaktyaloka, Moscow, 1.12.97

November 4

We have to make a conscious effort in everything we do to make decisions favorable for Krsna’s service. If we think of Krsna, then we will become attracted to Him as will the people to whom we are preaching. If we are preaching because we want something the other person has to give, we will not really share Krsna. How will that be favorable devotional service?

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 320, Bhaktyaloka, Moscow, 1.12.97

November 3

A preacher may think, “Should I preach strongly so that this person can come forward and advance? But if I preach too strongly, he may turn away.” We have to search our hearts and also try to see into the heart of the person to whom we are preaching, and by meditating on what will be most favorable for bhakti, we have to decide how to act.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 320, Bhaktyaloka, Moscow, 1.12.97

November 2

If we have a particular service to Krsna, if our meditation is to reject that service in order to accept another—because the service doesn’t please us—then that is not favorable to the cultivation of bhakti. “Favorable” means that we are doing those things that help increase our service attitude toward Krsna. As soon as we begin to calculate things according to what is favorable for ourselves, then we are no longer striving for pure bhakti.

Lectures from a disciple Vol 1, pg 320, Bhaktyaloka, Moscow, 1.12.97

November 1

Our ability to continue hearing and chanting even under difficult circumstances will depend on our desire. How much do we want to use whatever strength we have to speak about Krsna? If we have the desire, Krsna will give us the ability to do it. Then we will remember Krsna and our devotion will increase.

LFD Vol.1, pg 313, Bhaktyaloka, Moscow

October 31

Srila Prabhupada strictly followed the order of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati. That is his unique position among his Godbrothers. That is why we are glorifying Srila Prabhupada today.

Lectures From a Disciple, p. 8 (Alma-ata, 1995)


October 30

We have to prepare our consciousness for service to Krsna both within and without the body. That’s what we are meant to accomplish in this life. Some of us may have to prepare to serve Krsna without this material body sooner than others, but we will all eventually have to face this reality. We should face the truth now and prepare ourselves to serve Krsna no matter what condition of life we are in.

LFD Vol.1, pg 312, Bhaktyaloka, Moscow

October 29

Desiring to serve Krsna is all that is required if we wish to advance in Krsna consciousness.

LFD Vol.1, pg 312, Bhaktyaloka, Moscow
