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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 18

If by great fortune one comes in contact with devotional service, if one actually hears about the transcendental position of the Supreme, if one hears about his natural, eternal state of existence, if one hears about his connection with the Supreme by hearing about the name, form, qualities and activities of the Supreme personality of Godhead, then that same desire that is there, within the heart, becomes transformed from material to spiritual, simply by hearing. That is how the seed of bhakti is planted.

June 5, 2012 - Tiraspol

December 17

We have to be very expert and not intentionally cause pain to anyone we preach to. This means every living entity. Devotees, nondevotees. Trinad api sunichena taror eva sahishnuna amanena manadena kirtania sada hari. All living entities. Then we will be effective in our preaching.

June 30, 2012 - Magdalinivka - SB 5.18.9

December 16

We have to keep our hearts free from envy by always glorifying the Lord. And only that one, who is non-envious, can actually think of the welfare of the others and spread this movement of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

July 21, 2012 - Lithuania Summer Festival - SB 4.30.36

December 15

And what is the symptom of the purity? One becomes free of envy. That is the symptom of purity. Envy goes away.

July 21, 2012 - Lithuania Summer Festival - SB 4.30.36

December 14

There is only one way to become pure and that is by associating with that which is pure. No other way.

August 10, 2016 - Baltics Summer Festival - Meeting with Disciples

December 13

The devotional service begins when one has an awaken faith in a process of purification. And if one doesn’t have faith in a process of purification, there is no beginning.

August 10, 2016 - Baltics Summer Festival - Meeting with Disciples

December 12

The devotee should never feel hopeless. Helpless yes, but hopeless – never!

December 5, 2015 - Mayapura - SB 6.17.36-37

December 11

A Vaisnava is not disturbed by aggressors because he is able to see Krsna in everything.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 288, SB 4.4.12 Novgorod, September 1995


December 10

Srila Prabhupada states that if one is imperfectly educated but sincerely tries to spread Krsna consciousness by preaching the Lord’s glories and supremacy, he will become the Lord’s dearmost servant. There is no material qualification required to preach the Supreme Personality of Godhead’s glories.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 241. SB 7.6.24

December 9

The goal of chanting is service. The goal of chanting is not relief from distress.

13.12.26 Boston
