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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

January 7

When gratitude is awakened then the impetus to call out Krsna's name with love becomes natural. I am so grateful that Krsna is accessible in His name and that any time I can call His name, under any circumstances, He will manifest. It is a simple realization, but to me it is the most profound, that Krsna, the Supreme Lord is so kind that He extends Himself to His devotees in such an accessible form.

Interview for Dhanurdhara's Swami book, "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name"

January 6

Gratitude is very important. It naturally stimulates one to serve, and to feelingly chant Krsna's name. One should feel grateful for the smallest realization, the smallest reciprocation from the holy name.

Interview for Dhanurdhara's Swami book, "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name"

January 5

One of our previous acaryas has said that one has to feel himself to be the negative, and if he feels himself to be helpless and in need of shelter, then the positive comes to compensate and brings him up. I am inspired by that concept--that Krsna comes down and lifts up His devotee because a devotee is not demanding, and does not say, "Krsna you must do this. Rather, the devotee helplessly calls, "I am totally dependent on Your mercy, although I am unqualified for it." Krsna then sees that his devotee is not conditional, but helpless, and being the complete positive entity, He comes down to the position of the negative, the state of inadequacy, and lifts the devotee to a higher state of consciousness. That mood of utter helplessness should always be kept at every stage of a devotee's advancement in Krsna consciousness for as soon as one thinks that he is in any way advanced one's sense of dependence quickly diminishes. One also naturally loses his sense of gratitude.

Interview for Dhanurdhara's Swami book, "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name"

January 4

Chanting should be performed with some feeling, whether the emotion is hankering for Krsna, remorse, repentance, eagerness to chant more attentively, remembrance of our favorite pastime or whatever. When there is some feeling our chanting becomes less mechanical and more spontaneous.

Interview for Dhanurdhara's Swami book, "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name"

January 3

Srila Rupa Gosvami says that the holy name is even more merciful than the form of Krsna because it is the shelter where one seeks forgiveness. The holy name thus gives hope and confidence and stimulates the type of emotions that inspire a strong need to chant more and more. This state of dependency is the best catalyst for deeper meditation.

Interview for Dhanurdhara's Swami book, "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name"

January 2

Without faith that the holy name is everything, that the holy name can clean my heart, that the holy name can bestow full mercy upon me, it is very difficult to focus the mind on the holy name with confidence and thus consistently.

Interview for Dhanurdhara's Swami book, "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name"

January 1

The holy name is more effective when chanted with faith. I often use the example that because the holy name has been given to us through the lips of Krsna's pure devotee, it is imbued with all the necessary potency to manifest krsna-prema, pure love of God.

Interview for Dhanurdhara's Swami book, "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name"

December 31

A devotee should think that the Lord is very kind, more merciful than one can imagine and because of that mercy He is manifested in His name. One should meditate on verses like kali-kale nama-rupe krsna-avatara nama haite haya sarva jagat nistara, "The Lord incarnates in this age of Kali in the form of His name and anyone who associates with this name is associating with Krsna directly and certainly becomes delivered."

Interview for Dhanurdhara's Swami book, "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name"

December 30

Purification manifests to the degree one opens the heart to the holy name.

Interview for Dhanurdhara's Swami book, "Japa Meditations, Contemplations on Entering the Holy Name"

December 29

I’ve decided many years ago that I’m not going to try to control anybody. Therefore I can’t make you into the leaders that I expect you to be. I can only beg you to become the leaders that Prabhupada expects you to be. This is real leadership. I fall at your feet and beg you to become the leaders that Srila Prabhupada expects you to be.

May 29, 2019 in Minsk, Belarus
