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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

December 28

The only thing I try to do is to help you understand what Srila Prabhupada taught me and taught all of his followers from his teachings and his example. Let Srila Prabhupada’s example and teachings control all of us. He was the embodiment of devotion. That’s what I’m trying to do.

May 29, 2019 in Minsk, Belarus

December 27

Wherever I see devotion, I worship it, because that’s what I want. And I also try to inspire others to look for devotion, because that’s what is supposed to be given the highest respect.

May 29, 2019 in Minsk, Belarus

December 26

As much as possible, service should be spontaneous, and it should be natural. It cannot be forced. I cannot say that enough.

May 29, 2019 in Minsk, Belarus

December 25

If you care, then control becomes easier because people want to be controlled by those who care for them. People do not want to be controlled by those who only officially want to control them.

May 29, 2019 in Minsk, Belarus

December 24

Although our devotion may remain incomplete, still the devotee-care organization should at least aspire to be acting from that platform — love, selflessness. Caring, not controlling. Caring. It’s a high order. But we have to at least aspire for that. You should try to care for somebody even if they mistreat you. Even if a child mistreats a parent, the parent still cares for the child, even if they feel that the child doesn’t understand that the parent cares.

May 29, 2019 in Minsk, Belarus

December 23

Devotee care should not be institutionalized as a system for control. It should be inspired and encouraged as a way to inspire others to become devotional.

May 29, 2019 in Minsk, Belarus

December 22

Nobody has a monopoly on devotional service. We should not try to create a monopoly.

May 29, 2019 in Minsk, Belarus

December 21

Hearing and chanting are considered to be the most important elements of devotional service and the more one hears transcendental sound vibration, the more one remembers that, “Actually, I’m spirit soul! I have a more meaningful connection that just the connection I have temporarily with this world.” What is that connection? “I want to hear more!” That is the beginning of devotional service.

June 5, 2012 - Tiraspol

December 20

Theoretical knowledge won’t help us at the time of death. This two types of knowledge, one is called jnana - theoretically, and the other is vijnana - realized. Bhakti yoga actually gives one realized knowledge.

June 5, 2012 - Tiraspol

December 19

We can choose our connection with material or we can choose our connection with spiritual. If we choose our connection with the material energy, then it’s described that the living entity is bound by the laws of karma. He thinks he is independent, but he is not. He thinks he is the doer of activities, but actually he is not.

June 5, 2012 - Tiraspol
