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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 9

If we want to purify ourselves, we have to follow Lord Caitanya’s instructions: ceto darpanam-marjanam. . . A sincere devotee takes advantage of this method of purification. We do not simply practice rules and regulations to become purified. Rather, the rules and regulations are meant to help us become fixed in remembrance of Krsna and to realize our actual service.

Lectures From a Disciple, Vol 1, p. 243
Hartford, 1992

October 7

We may not fully understand Krsna’s plan, but we know one thing: We must do our duty. We are pushed by the spiritual master’s order. We don’t know how we will carry it out, but we must try. That will make us feel helpless. Helplessness and dependence on Krsna is vital to the spiritual execution of duty.

Lectures From a Disciple, Vol 1, p. 243
Hartford, 1992

October 6

The easiest way to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead is to preach to everyone.

Lectures From a Disciple, Vol 1, p. 242
SB 7.6.24

October 5

Just because we are not experiencing full Krsna consciousness does not mean we cannot preach. We can preach on the order of those who are strong devotees.

Lectures from a disciple, Vol 1, p. 239,
SB 3.29.9, Dnepropetrovsk, June 1996

October 4

A devotee has to learn to feel helpless while executing his duty. Why does a devotee perform a particular duty? He knows he must be dutiful in order to please guru and Krsna. Duty purifies us. We carry out so many self-imposed duties, thinking we must do them, but the greatest, most compelling duty is to offer whatever we are doing to Krsna.

Lectures From a Disciple, Vol 1, p. 242
Hartford, 1992

October 3

Real knowledge is not achieved by academic pursuits but through surrender to Krsna — the practice of bhakti.

Lectures From a Disciple, Vol 1, p. 242
SB 7.6.24

October 2

When we meditate on the guru’s order, we will gradually become detached from the body.

Lectures From a Disciple, Vol 1, p. 240
SB 3.28.25, Moscow, 31.03.96

October 1

What is the meditation of a bhakti-yogi? It is strict adherence to the guru’s instructions. Srila Prabhupada explains in the fourth canto that “one should not try to see Krsna behind some bush in Vrndavana. He should know that Krsna personally manifests His form through the instructions of the spiritual master.” This is a devotee’s meditation.

Lectures From a Disciple, Vol 1, p. 240
SB 3.28.25, Moscow, 31.03.96

September 30

Living in the association of devotees is an ideal opportunity for us to overcome our envious mentality. It forces us to learn tolerance. We have to learn to overlook others’ shortcomings. We have to learn to improve our own character and to concentrate more on our own humility than the lack of humility in others. We also have to overcome the tendency to see faults in others rather than confront faults in ourselves. The desire to find fault is envy. If we dwell on it and become focused on the shortcomings of our immediate associates, then we will never be able to see our own shortcomings and we will not be able to improve. Better we seek out the good qualities of devotees and overlook the faults.

Lectures From a Disciple, p. 278, SB 4.30.12-13

September 29

When we are envious, we try to imitate God. We do not realize that whatever position we achieve comes only by God’s grace. Instead we think our status comes by dint of our own abilities, and we think that we can therefore surpass everyone—that there is no one better or more intelligent than ourselves. We have to break that tendency if we wish to become Krsna conscious. Krsna very kindly and mercifully breaks the pride of His devotees, because pride and envy stop us from advancing in Krsna consciousness.

Lectures From a Disciple, p. 277, SB 4.30.12-13
