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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

November 13

When a living entity has many desires that he wants to fulfill, it is like being caught in a blazing fire. No matter how much fuel is added to the fire, it is consumed. In the same way, the living entity is never satisfied, no matter how much sense gratification he engages in.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila, Pg 262

November 12

The Deity is not to be considered as brass or stone. Rather, the Lord actually reciprocates with the pure love of His devotees. The Lord very kindly agrees to manifest Himself in the form of the Deity to accept the service of His devotees.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila, Pg 262

November 11

One has to get some mercy from the Lord’s lotus feet if he wants to know something about the Personality of Godhead. Otherwise, the Lord’s personality will always remain a mystery.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila, Pg 243

November 10

You cannot approach someone you do not know and ask, “Can you tell me something about your deep personal life?” In the same way, nobody can know anything about Krishna’s personality unless he renders service to Him.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila, Pg 243

November 9

Krishna likes to be controlled by the love of His pure devotees. He derives His greatest pleasure by becoming subordinate to His pure devotees. He does this because He wants to please and satisfy His pure devotee.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila, Pg 238

November 8

Devotees on the platform of ecstatic love never think of their own enjoyment. To always think of the pleasure of the Lord is one of the symptoms of ecstatic love.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila: 4.107-128, Simferopol, 2000, Pg 222

November 7

This should be the standard of worship — that the devotee is willing to accept any inconveniences to see that the Lord’s standards are established and maintained. Even if one stays up late at night, the pujari should be thinking that he must get up early in the morning so that the Lord can rise at the same time that He is accustomed to rising everyday.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila: 4.107-128, Simferopol, 2000, Pg 219

November 6

A devotee should always be non-envious and very happy when he sees another Vaishnava get the Lord’s mercy.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila: 1.195-218, Kiev-June12, 2000, Pg 211


November 5

To attain the mercy of the Lord, we have to feel ourselves to be very low, fallen, and unqualified, but at the same time, very eager to receive the mercy of the Lord. Therefore, even though we may chant improperly, if we chant with the motivation to please the Lord, the Lord accepts that just as much as someone who chants perfectly.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila: 1.195-218, Kiev-June12, 2000, Pg 209-210

November 4

It is the meditation within the heart of the devotee that captures the Lord’s attention. The devotee is very eager to attain the mercy of the Lord, and therefore meditates on pleasing the Lord to obtain His favor.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Madhya Lila: 1.195-218, Kiev-June12, 2000, Pg 209
