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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 14

Who does Kṛṣṇa look at? Who gets Kṛṣṇa’s attention? Prahlāda Mahārāja draws the line  where he’s speaking to his classmates in the school, [ŚrīmadBhāgavatam 7.7.51-52]  Those who have unflinching faith in the Lord can capture the attention of the Lord." Not by dint of their austerities, not by dint of their sacrifices, or their acceptance of vows can one awaken the pleasure of the Lord.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 41,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 13

Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta says in Amrta Vani, “O Kṛṣṇa! I do not want from You any happiness for me.” Are we ready to say that? “Kṛṣṇa I don’t want from You any happiness for me. Please, spare me of that. Whatever You want from me, I will obey without fail! Even if I have to suffer in doing Your will, that suffering will be my pleasure.” In other words, Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta is making it clear that a devotee only wants service. And then Śrīla Bhaktisiddhānta draws the line,“If a servant of Kṛṣṇa prays to Him with such faith and feelings, the Lord will certainly accept his offerings. Without these feelings and faith, the Lord will not accept that which is offered.”
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 40,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 12

Bhakti is what gives life. It gives validity to religion and renunciation. But if our religion and renunciation don’t lead us to bhakti – it’s useless.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 39,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 11

Lord Hari is the ‘One who takes away’, but He also takes away our fear because generally, it’s the fear which is the cause of so much anxiety. As Śrīla Prabhupāda explains, ‘fear’ means to not know what lays in the future. That’s why we fear.  Not only that, but when we hear, according to the statements from śāstra, that every living entity has a stockpile of reactions, where some are prārabdha (manifest) and some are aprārabdha (not yet manifest), sometimes we become anxious. “ When is that disruption to my life going to appear?” But Kṛṣṇa says, mā śucaḥ... “Don’t fear. Just surrender and remember Me. I’ll take care of you.”
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 38,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival 

October 10

Mā śucaḥ... “Do not fear! I will relieve you from these sinful reactions.” When a devotee has firm faith in Kṛṣṇa’s words, he understands, “Kṛṣṇa is so kind that He is giving me just a small token in comparison to what I deserve. I have the faith that whatever Kṛṣṇa does is always for my benefit. And my fear goes away! The reactions are minimized by the grace of the Lord. The future is bright!"
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 38,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 9

Sometimes the devotees have a false conception, to think, “If I am surrendered to Kṛṣṇa, that means I shouldn’t have to suffer.”And then they become doubtful, “I surrendered so much to Kṛṣṇa – why should I have to suffer?” But the Lord minimizes the suffering. And minimization of the suffering means that we deserve a lot more than what we got. But minimization also means that whatever suffering the devotee has to experience now, presently, is actually burning up his previous reactions to sinful life, so that his future is bright – and in that way also Kṛṣṇa is minimizing the suffering of a devotee. That’s why Kṛṣṇa says mā śucaḥ... “Don’t fear! Your future is bright! Why are you fearful?”
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 37,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 8

Kṛṣṇa not only takes away obstacles on the path of devotional service, which are generally our attachments, but He takes away our fear of losing them. And when a devotee experiences that freedom from fear, it’s liberating. When that happens,  the devotee actually feels encouragement and gratitude towards the Lord.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 37,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 7

"Kṛṣṇa is Hari - One who takes away.” When we hear that, sometimes we think, “Why should I let Kṛṣṇa take these things away?” And we become a little fearful about what could possibly happen if we chant too sincerely. We have this sense that if I chant too sincerely, Kṛṣṇa may take something away – and I am not ready for that! But although Kṛṣṇa is Hari, when one cultivates firm faith in Kṛṣṇa and in His Name, one finds that Kṛṣṇa not only takes away our obstacles but He also takes away our fear! And that’s encouraging. When that begins to happen, then a devotee actually experiences progressive advancement in his faith.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 37,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 6

Our previous acharyas always help us discriminate ‘what is useful’ and ‘what is useless’. Sometimes, we may gravitate towards a certain understanding about bhakti, which may be compromised. And it’s compromised because we can’t fully surrender, and when we hear about full surrender, it’s disappointing because of our own limitations. Or, it may not be disappointing, but it may be fearful.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 36,  Chanting with Feeling - January 17, 2014 - Baltic Festival

October 5

Lord Caitanya Himself has stated that a devotee who is engaged in the chanting of the Holy Name of the Lord does not retaliate, even if he is rebuked or chastised. He says that such forbearance must be practiced by the devotee. Then He says something very, very important: This type of mood in the chanting of the Holy Name of the Lord is the behavior that solidly maintains devotional service for the devotee. It gives him the means by which he can actually be situated in devotional service, because he is so tolerant that the Lord cannot neglect! Others may neglect, but the Lord will not neglect!
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 23-25, How to Achieve the Ultimate Goal of Chanting- March 04, 2014 -Śrī Māyāpur Dhāma
