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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

September 15

Sometimes we may сategorize something that looks good as Krishna's merсy. But if something bad happens, then we think, "Why did Krishna do this to me?'' Sometimes it is not so easy to see that as Krishna's merсy. We have to be very careful.

Taking Care of Devotees, p. 159, 3rd paragraph

September 14

Prahlada Maharaja was showing that in loving exсhanges the devotee never expeсts anything in return from the Lord. Of сourse, he expeсts His merсy. But how that mercy will сome is sometimes not so easy to digest.

Taking Care of Devotees, p.159, 1st Paragraph

September 13

In the Third Canto of the Bhagavatam, there is a verse where Brahma was praying to the Lord for the potency to create the universe. Prabhupada explains in the commentary that fortunate is that person who has been entrusted with responsible work, and if he is always conscious that he is subordinate to the will of the Lord, then whatever the result, it will be done nicely. If, however, he is not in that consciousness, even if the result may externally look very nice, the work was still not done properly. Thus, if we are given a particular task, and we put our heart into it, it means that we are always subordinate to Krishna and His representatives. Even though our service may change, the heart should not. The project, whatever it may be, is valueless if we have not put our heart into it. Sometimes Krishna reminds us and puts us into a situation where we have to remember how to keep putting our heart into what He wants us to do.
Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3, Proper Attitude, Pg 229, last paragraph

September 12

Prabhupada, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, Bhaktivinoda Thakura, Vishwanatha Cakravarti Thakura, Jiva Gosvami, Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami and Lord Caitanya have all given guarantees that if you fix your mind upon the Supreme Lord, then certainly you will go to Him. We have to cultivate the desire to always remember Krishna and never forget Him. We should be in anxiety if we are not thinking of Krishna. It is very dangerous to forget Krishna even for a moment.
Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3,Proper Attitude, Pg 228, 4th paragraph

September 11

Prabhupada explains in the Upadesamrta [Nectar of Instruction] that cultivation refers to that of our natural desire to serve and to please the Lord. However, before one can love Krishna, first there must be obedience. When one becomes obedient to the Lord and to the devotees of the Lord, then he can cultivate by regularly hearing and rendering devotional service in a submissive spirit. This is the proper formula for success. There is no other way to awaken love within the heart.
Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3, Proper Attitude, Pg 227, 2nd last paragraph

September 10

Whimsical activity is not the criteria for satisfying the Lord. One has to awaken spontaneous love within the heart first by regulated devotional service. This regulated devotional service begins by regularly hearing about the activities of Mother Yasoda, Krishna, the cowherd boys, and all the residents of Vrindavana.
Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3, Proper Attitude, Pg 227, 3rd paragraph

September 9

Prabhupada describes that even more relishable for the Lord is when out of pure affection and love the devotee considers the Lord to be less important than (subordinate to) himself, just as is the mood of Mother Yasoda. This is called anugraha, which means to look upon the Lord with mercy and compassion. Mother Yasoda was thinking, “I have to be compassionate upon my son! I have to take care of Him! If I don’t take care of Him, then something terrible could happen!”
Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3, Proper Attitude, Pg 226, 2nd paragraph

September 8

Thus, it is not the temple that makes us Krishna conscious, rather it is what goes on inside the temple that does. There has to be bhagavat-katha. Prabhupada explained that he established these temples for people to come and hear about Krishna, because when one hears about Krishna, it awakens within the heart the desire to serve the Lord. When that desire is awakened, then it is natural inspiration. Devotional service has to be rendered in a voluntary spirit. That voluntary spirit or desire to do something to please the Lord has to be awakened from within the heart. That is the perfection of our service.
Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3, Proper Attitude, Pg 224, 2nd last paragraph

September 7

One should accept divine austerities and penances to achieve the divine position of devotional service. By such activities, one’s heart is purified. One comes to that platform of transcendental happiness, which is superior to material happiness, and this continues forever. Thus if one voluntarily accepts austerities and penances to achieve the divine position of devotional service, he will achieve real happiness.
Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3, Accepting a Higher Authority, Pg 223, last paragraph

September 6

Just as the bull is bound to the nostrils by a rope and is controlled, we should allow ourselves to become controlled by the statements of the Supreme Lord given in the revealed scriptures. It is voluntary submission. Unless we voluntarily accept this type of submission, it is very difficult to progress in human life.
Lectures From a Disciple Vol 3,Accepting a Higher Authority, Pg 223, 4th paragraph
