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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

August 26

Sometimes devotees will chant with notebook right in front of them, and just look at the notebook waiting for something to come up. The excuse they usually use is that, “If I have my notebook I can write it down and I can forget about it.” But just by having it there, immediately the tendency is that we start thinking, “Let’s see what nectar comes up from my meditation about it.”  As soon as we look at that notebook we start thinking about all the things that we have to do for the day. There is no question of meditation on the Holy Name in these circumstances.

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 15, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow 

August 25

We have to be moving in the right direction if we actually want to utilize this life to its full potential. I’ve been speaking a lot these last several days about the Holy Name and how we should actually think of our own progress in life in relationship to the Holy Name. Because just as we say, Kṛṣṇa is the supreme goal of life, that means that the Holy Name is also the supreme goal of life, because Kṛṣṇa and the Holy Name are identical.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 12, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow 

August 24

Time is passing by very quickly, our lives are passing by very quickly, and we should actually feel that we are making some progress towards real goal in life. By practicing Kṛṣṇa consciousness and by chanting the Holy Name, we are supposed to establish higher goals in life. vāsudeva-parā gatiḥ [ŚrīmadBhāgavatam 1.2.28-29]: Lord Vāsudeva is the supreme goal.

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 12, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow

August 23

When one sees good qualities, he will want to try to get the benefit of those qualities by serving others who have them. Then there will be strong relationships. Then he will get off the kanistha platform.

Taking Care of Devotees
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August 22

Krishna is bhava grahi, which means that what He is looking at is that there is some love. That is what Krishna feels bound by. He can't turn away from love; that is how powerful love is. His attention will always be focused on anybody who offers Him something with love. Certainly, He will reciprocate fully with that offering. He is the greatest lover, and He knows how to reciprocate dealings of love better than anyone else. 

Taking Care of Devotees
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August 21

The Lord takes notice when there is love. That is what He sees. It is not some big show that attracts the attention of the Lord, it is the intention, the attitude. Krishna is known as bhava grahi. A person may offer some prayer to the Lord --om visnaya namah, om visnave namah-- an uneducated person says om visnaya namah, and the brahmana says om visnave namah. They may offer their prayers, but the Lord is bhava grahi janardana. He understands what is the attitude in the offering. Therefore both will be accepted if the attitude is to please the Lord.

Taking Care of Devotees
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August 20

The Lord is very much inclined to accept something when it is offered with love, with an exclusive desire to please Him. Then the Lord will accept even a small, or what may appear to be an insignificant offering. It is not by quantity that one can satisfy the Supreme Lord.

Taking Care of Devotees
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August 19

The Lord is inclined to accept that which is given by His devotees. For the devotee who has no other desire than to give something to the Lord, this is a loving exchange. This is pure love. The devotee is giving and Krishna is accepting.

Taking Care of Devotees
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August 18

After prolonged sadhana, what is the fruit the devotee wants? The fruit is that Krishna will accept. He is pleased. He has accepted it. He won't accept from His non-devotees. He is not inclined. He is very inclined to accept from the hands of His devotees.

Taking Care of Devotees
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August 17

Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, "If one offers me a leaf, a flower, fruit or water with love and devotion, I accept it.'' Why? Because if it is offered out of love, then the perfection that the person who is making the offering wants is for the other person to accept it and be pleased with it.

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