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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

July 17

If one maintains this proud mentality, he cannot advance in spiritual life. Lord Caitanya does not like pride; He is not attracted to this quality. He is attracted to real humility—not false humility. When devotees genuinely feel themselves fallen, it is usually by always looking for the good qualities in others and speaking about them—glorifying the devotees.It is not artificial because they genuinely know how to see good qualities in others; that is their vision.
Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Adi Lila: 8.62 Kiev—May 2, 2000, Pg 103-104

July 16

Sadhana means getting up early in the morning for mangala arotik, chanting japa. That is what counselors must follow. But those who are not counselors should also be following because they have to be able to at least have a relationship with somebody who is strictly following.

July 15

The nature of a loving relationship is that you give something without expecting something in return. A senior devotee will give some instruction, but he never expects, "Oh, I expect service from this instruction.'' He gives it out of affection, out of love.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 115, 2nd Paragraph


July 14

Generally what happens amongst equals is that one devotee will look at the other devotee as the superior, and the other devotee will look back at the other, "No, you are superior.'' The other devotee will never take the superior role. He just glorifies the qualities of the other devotee.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 114, 1st Paragraph

July 13

Devotees should respect their superiors, and be very happy to see superiors. They should relate with one another on a friendly basis, and not allow their pride to interfere with their friendly relationships.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 113, Last Paragraph

July 12

The most important part of giving shelter is to teach by example. Householder couples are a good example. They are stable; they assist each other in serving their spiritual master; they fulfill all their household responsibilities; they have steady sadhana; they have their own program of Krishna consciousness that they practice everyday. That is an example.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 111, Last Paragraph

July 11

If you are not properly situated to give shelter to somebody, then at least you can direct them to somebody who can give them shelter.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 111, 1st Paragraph


July 10

Unmarried devotees should not take care of problems of married devotees. Just like, I am a sannyasi, and I really shouldn't take care of problems of
married devotees. I really don't. If somebody comes to me with a marriage problem, I say, "Go to someone else, don't come to me.''

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 111, 1st Paragraph

July 8

Without manifesting the qualities of a devotee, one cannot be a counselor. It would just be a counselor in name only, and that doesn't give shelter.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 105, 2nd Paragraph



July 9

You cannot imitate being a counselor. It has to be something genuine. Therefore, devotees have to organize programs in their homes in such a way that people are chanting together, hearing together, practicing Krishna consciousness together, and people are learning from a senior devotee. This is required.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 105, Last Paragraph
