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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

June 26

The preacher should maintain himself through some honest means, and he should not depend upon taking something from his dependents.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 96, 4th Paragraph

June 25

Those who are counselors or Nama Hatta leaders have to show a good example for others. That example was that there was no unrestricted association between the sexes. Even amongst those who are householders, the householder man would not even take care of women. The wife of the householder man would take care of the women. Or maybe they would do it together, sometimes under certain circumstances. But even a householder man would not take care of a woman alone.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 94, 2nd Paragraph

June 24

For a voluntary movement to go on without paying anybody, there must be trust. An authority should have no other agenda in this relationship other than helping one in his/her spiritual life.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 86, 1st Paragraph

June 23

For a counselor to be able to think first of others' welfare before their own welfare requires that they have shelter. This kind of selfless service doesn't manifest in a vacuum. It manifests when a devotee is also experiencing shelter from others.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 93, 3rd Paragraph


June 22

The Lord is very much attracted to humility in His devotees. When there is humility, there are genuine exchanges between one devotee and another.

June 21

We should look for the association of more advanced devotees, and we should look for someone whom we can trust. This is the purpose of the counselor system.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 85, 3rd Paragraph

June 20

Without faith, there is no spiritual life. There is no spiritual advancement unless we actually have faith in achieving a superior state of consciousness by the association of devotees.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 85, 1st Paragraph

June 19

A kanistha adhikari doesn't know how to associate with his peers. A madhyama adhikari knows how to associate, because he knows how to appreciate the qualities of others. Therefore, the external devotee will think, "I don't want to associate.'' But the internal devotee will look within his heart; will chant Hare Krishna very, very attentively; and will pray to Krishna to please reveal these anarthas and to help him overcome these anarthas that obstruct him in his relationships with these devotees so he can see their good qualities and experience shelter, and love.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 79, Last Paragraph

June 18

An internal disciple is somebody who understands the mood of the spiritual master and faithfully follows the instructions of the spiritual master, and then he personally experiences the relationship internally, from within his heart.

June 17

An external disciple is somebody who is always looking at things from the external point of view. He is the person who is always trying to be next to the spiritual master so he will have his picture taken with him.

Taking Care of Devotees, Pg 78, Last Paragraph
