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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

May 27

We have to understand what is the source of the critical mentality.  It is due to pride and envy.  We become proud of our material position and we look upon others, and are envious of others who are successful.  We also look for faults in others in order to gain more respect and recognition for ourselves.  The more faults that we see in others, the more it makes ourselves look good.  That is the subtle way—maybe sometimes not so subtle—of bolstering our own false-ego.
MKV, Vol 2- Pg 12 (Q/A Meeting With Disciples, Divnomorsk—6/10/01)

May 26

If we simply try to do something to help preach the sankirtan movement, and we make the endeavor, then Krishna will make all the arrangements for us.  A devotee becomes very blissful when he sees how Krishna is making arrangements for him
MKV, Vol 2- Pg 11 (Q/A Meeting With Disciples, Divnomorsk—6/10/01 ) 

May 25

There are no obstacles if you have a strong desire to do something which is very pleasing to Guru and Krishna.  Although the mind will find excuses (because that is the nature of the mind), we simply have to become stronger and defeat all the excuses that the mind will offer, with the strength of purified intelligence. We should understand that Krishna will help us to overcome the obstacles.  However, if we try to overcome the obstacles by our own endeavors alone, we will always fail. A devotee always has to be dependent upon the mercy of the Lord, which is one of the symptoms of surrender.
MKV, Vol 2- Pg 10 (Q/A Meeting With Disciples, Divnomorsk—6/10/01 ) 

May 24

If the day ever comes when there is some discrepancy in our behavior, we should then seek out appropriate instruction in relationship to the Holy Name, and take up chanting again with the proper attitude.  The Holy Name will reinstate that devotee once again to his former position.  All Glories to that Holy Name of the Lord!
MKV, Vol 2- Pg 8, 3rd paragraph (Initiation Lecture—Kiev, Ukraine—15/11/01)"

May 23

Although the candidates for initiation takes some vows, these vows should be accepted on the strength of their faith in the power of the Lord's Holy Name.  Each one of them should think, “I will be able to maintain these vows only by maintaining my firm faith in the Holy Name of the Lord and my firm faith in those instructions which I will receive in relationship to the Holy Name."  In that consciousness, we can maintain our vows; otherwise, there may be difficulties.
MKV, Vol 2- Pg 8, 3rd paragraph (Initiation Lecture—Kiev, Ukraine—15/11/01)

May 20

Srila Prabhupada gave us the perfect formula for Krishna consciousness by giving us Krishna consciousness. If we have faith in the formula he gave us and we spread Krishna consciousness in the way that he spread it to us, with faith in guru and Krishna, faith in the holy name, our preaching will be successful.

Taking Care of Devotees
Pg 56
3rd Paragraph

May 19

Srila Narottama dasa Thakura says in his bhajan, ''It does not make any difference whether you are a brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha or sannyasi; if you become happy by taking part in Lord Caitanya's sankirtana movement, I want to associate with you.'' This is the proper basis for association in Krishna consciousness.

Taking Care of Devotees
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May 18

Prabhupada used to say that if you take care of Krishna's devotees, Krishna takes care of you. When a devotee feels support from the spiritual master and the holy name, he can give it to others, without wanting anything in return.

Taking Care of Devotees
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May 17

The most essential ingredient for creating the atmosphere is caring. Wanting a position, a label, an identity, or wanting to support ourselves, our flat, our household life, or our temple are secondary to giving Krishna consciousness selflessly. When we develop this mood of giving Krishna consciousness and caring for others in a selfless way, then things will very naturally grow.

Taking Care of Devotees
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May 16

Of course, to the degree that we are sheltered in the holy name, to that degree we are able to live in a completely renounced way, and to that degree we will be less dependent. The more we are dependent on the holy name, the more strength we get from the holy name.

Taking Care of Devotees
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