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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

September 5

By advanced association, gradually what happens is that the secrets of the Holy Name of the Lord can become gradually revealed. One begins to think more seriously about his chanting of the Holy Name. He begins to think, “What am I trying to accomplish by this chanting?” The devotee who thinks like that will always have the impetus to chant his rounds every day, because he understands what the goal is. And he knows that, although he may be traversing slowly, at least he knows, he has a purpose for chanting

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 18-19, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow

September 4

We actually have to chant with this attitude, this intention, “I want to become free from these offences!” And we should judge, as the time is passing, we should see "how much progress am I making in chanting?" And if we think, “Actually, I am not making any progress,” then as Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura says, one has to seek out the association of devotees who are making progress in chanting. Without that association it is very difficult to come to that platform of nāma ābhāsa, from nāma aparādha.

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 18, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow 

September 3

Śrīla Prabhupāda explains that the most important instruction – the most important instruction – given by the Spiritual Master, is to chant the Holy Name of the Lord. There is no other instruction which is as important as that instruction! All the profound secrets of Kṛṣṇa consciousness and devotional service can be revealed through faithful chanting of the Holy Name of the Lord!

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 18, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow

September 2

First, one has to preach the glories of the Holy Name of the Lord, and by their preaching to the others, their faith will actually also increase. “Yes, I want to take the Holy Name of the Lord, because I want to make Kṛṣṇa the goal of my life!” And then, such a person has faith that by receiving the Holy Name of the Lord, he’ll actually be able to attain Kṛṣṇa as the goal of his life.

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 18, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow

September 1

Everything is there in the chanting of the Holy Name. Actually, the Holy Name of the Lord is our life! All our devotional service is meant to be performed in relationship to the Holy Name. All our progress in life is meant to be gauged according to our relationship with the Holy Name. Śrīla Prabhupāda taught us that we are actually servants of the Holy Name of the Lord. We render service to the Holy Name by chanting the Holy Name of the Lord and by distributing the glories of the Holy Name of the Lord.

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 16, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow

August 31

How does one get off the platform from nāma-aparādha to nāmaābhāsa, and gradually come to the platform of śuddha-nāma? He has to chant with the attitude of “what is the goal of this chanting?!” Even though he may be committing offences while chanting, he has to be thinking, “I want to become free from these offences!” That attitude enables one to make progress in chanting of the Holy Name of the Lord. Just that attitude alone!

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 16, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow 

August 30

As Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura describes in the bhajan “Dayāl-Nitāi-Caitanya”, “Without affection for the Holy Name of the Lord, one’s life is useless.” This is the actual goal of our chanting. So, we should at least know what is the goal of the chanting, and while chanting the Holy Name of the Lord, we should be thinking about making progress toward that goal.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 16, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow 

August 29

If the Holy Name of the Lord is non-different than the Lord, then certainly one has a relationship with the Holy Name. Everything is there. Actually the goal that we should be looking for as we are making progress in Krsna consciousness, is how much attachment we’re actually developing towards the Holy Name of the Lord. This is the actual goal of our chanting!

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 15, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow 

August 28

Certainly, in the first stages in chanting the Holy Name we have to listen, listen, listen. Prabhupāda says it is very,very important – just listen to the Holy Name. By attentive listening to the Holy Name, the mind is supposed to gradually become controlled and cleared, and when the mind is actually controlled and cleared, then what begins to manifest is a particular form of one’s worshipable Lord. That form may not always be manifested in the mind, but it begins to manifest in a clear mind.

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 15, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow 

August 27

Sometimes devotees chant while they are driving. It’s a bad habit. Devotees who are driving, they always ask, “Can I chant my japa while I am driving?” I tell them, “You can certainly chant Hare Kṛṣṇa while you’re driving, but you can’t count it as your japa.” So many distractions! One is actually supposed to make progress in chanting the Holy Name.

MKV, Vol 8- Pg 15, Our Progress in Life is Gauged by Our Chanting-  May 01, 2001-Moscow 
