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Niranjana Swami's Quote Of The Day

October 24

Empowerment is the qualification to write about and glorify the Lord properly. Where does empowerment come from? One has to receive it from higher authorities or advanced devotees. One must be very, very
careful; one should not be very eager to write about the pastimes of the Lord by one’s own initiative. One must always write, recite, and speak only on the basis of empowerment.

Caitanya Caritamrita Lectures Book, Adi Lila: 8.72-73 Kiev—May10, 2000, Pg 114

October 23

Srila Prabhupāda explains in the Upadeśāmṛta that devotional service is a cultivation of desire: we simply have to cultivate the desire to serve Kṛṣṇa, and not our senses. And when we look at our own hearts and see our non-capacity for doing that, we should feel something. We should feel that we need help. 
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 42,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 22

In another lecture, given in 1973, Prabhupāda’s says, “If a devotee can’t serve to his full capacity, even though he wants to serve, Kṛṣṇa accepts that ‘wanting to serve” as a service! And his life becomes successful.” In another words even if there are obstacles to service, but if we want to serve, then Kṛṣṇa accepts that desire of ‘wanting to serve’ as service.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 42,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 21

Śrīla Prabhupāda mentions in one of the lectures that  a living entity who has no service to Kṛṣṇa, is like the finger that’s been cut off from the hand. It has no purpose. It’s useless. A finger’s usefulness is only when it’s connected to the hand. Similarly, a devotee’s usefulness is when he is connected to Kṛṣṇa’s service.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 42,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 20

A devotee should sincerely pray to Kṛṣṇa, “Please, engage me in Your service.”  It is a proper mood to chant the name of the Lord. Then one who feels deprived of service can chant with feelings. Then it can become very relevant. “I feel deprived of service. Kṛṣṇa please, give me service, because without service there is no meaning to my life.”  
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 42,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 19

Sometimes devotees ask a question, “What can I do? They don’t give me any service!” But what are we thinking service is? We think, “Service is what I’ve selected for myself to do! And no one gives me any service (that I want)!” But when the devotee is sincerely chanting – feelingly! – he thinks, “Please, my only shelter is service! I can’t live without an opportunity to serve You. That’s all I want!”
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 42,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 18

"One should have this firm faith that the opportunity to serve Kṛṣṇa is the safest place.  
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 42,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 17

Who does the Lord listen to? Those who are not asking for anything, except for His service. Because they have firm faith that service is everything.  “Kṛṣṇa is so kind that He accepts me; He takes notice and gives me service.” When the devotee sees that kind of recognition, his faith increases.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 42,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 16

That's why it’s always recommended that we should associate with, and hear from, and faithfully serve those who have faith, because if we don’t have that unflinching, firm faith, how are we going to get Kṛṣṇa’s attention? We cannot be waiving our hands, “Hey Kṛṣṇa! Look at me! I am here!” No. It’s devotion which draws Kṛṣṇa’s attention.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 41,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival

October 15

Prahlāda Mahārāja says that if one doesn’t have this unflinching, unalloyed devotion to Kṛṣṇa, then whatever one does is simply a show! It’s meant to get somebody else’s attention. But Kṛṣṇa is not looking. His attention doesn’t go there. Kṛṣṇa’s attention only goes to those places where devotees have firm faith in Him.
MKV, Vol 8- Pg 41,  Chanting with Feeling- January 17, 2014 -Baltic Festival 
