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Srila Prabhupada's Quote Of The Day

November 23

Simply our prayer should be, My dear Krishna, please remind me to always chant Your Holy Name, please do not put me into forgetfulness. You are sitting within me as Supersoul, so you can put me into forgetfulness or into remembering You. So please do not put me into forgetfulness. Please always remind me to chant, even You send me into the hell, it doesn't matter, just so long as I can always chant Hare Krishna.

Letter to Devananda, 23 November, 1968

November 22

As far as your marriage, I have no objection if you marry in a civil wedding, but so far a Krishna Consciousness wedding, there is no question until the girl has been initiated.

Letter to Hiranyagarbha das, 22 November, 1971

November 21

The Personality of Sri Krishna Caitanya has made the path of going "Back to Godhead'' so easy for every one that even a boy of the world can swim across the ocean of religiosity, although it is injected with so many dangerous animals ready to devour up a fallen person in that great massive water. I have simply adopted the easy method of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu just suitable to the modern people in general. As such I am feeling as sure of going "Back to Godhead'' as I feel without any doubt after taking my dinner that I have eaten to my satisfaction. This feeling is a necessary concomitant factor of the great science of devotional service in the approved line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Letter to His Excellency Dr. Rajendra Prasad, President Indian Union, 21 November, 1956

November 19

Regarding the New Orleans' farm, do not make sugar. Just boil it and make molasses. You can eat the molasses instead of sugar. Just boil it and keep boiling it until granule forms and then keep in a pot. Don't try to make sugar and sell it. That will simply increase the botheration. If you start trading business, then so many problems will be there. You should produce just enough for our own use. Trading leads to envy and jealousy and cheating, then everything is lost.

Letter to Jagadisa das, 20 November, 1975

November 19

We may make propaganda against animal slaughter, but that will not advance our real cause. KC is based on pure understanding, not by any sentimental provocation. People must be intelligent enough to catch up this KC movement without being carried away by any sentimental wave. We should always remember that we do not belong to any group like the karmis, jnanis, or yogis. We belong to pure devotional service group, following the footprints of great mahajanas. Our purpose should be that we are in one side and all others they are on the other side. We deprecate everyone, even one who is against animal slaughter.

Letter to Rayarama, 19 November, 1968

November 18

There is two things: there's Krsna and there's sex life. So if you want to have Krsna, one must be above illicit sex life. That requires some strength. So you have to impress upon them that following these rules and regulations, especially by chanting Hare Krsna, one will become strong. Unfortunately, we have no taste for this chanting. This is our misfortune.

Letter to Govardhana das, 18 November, 1975

November 17

I have always instructed that the standard of arcana worship must be kept very high, because this will insure that every other temple activity will also flourish.

Letter to Himavati, 17 November, 1971

November 16

In the spiritual effulgence, if we do not have any rest, then we are sure to come back again down. The reason is - that I have already explained - that our life... We, as living entities, we are part and parcel of the Supreme, sac-cid-ananda. We want pleasure. So impersonal feature does not give us that pleasure which we want, which is our demand. That pleasure is available in the spiritual planets. If you enter in any of the spiritual planets, then that spiritual happiness and exchange of pleasure you can attain.

Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 8.14-15, New York, November16, 1966

November 15

Krsna consciousness is something non-sectarian. It does not depend on Hindu religion or Moslem religion. So if you chant the Lord's name and pray to Him, "What service can I render?'', then soon you will advance in Krsna consciousness.

Letter to Touati Lakhdar, 15 November, 1975

November 14

We have nothing to offer Krishna because He is the Proprietor of everything that be. But when He sees that a living entity is trying to serve Him, that is appreciated. In Bhagavad-gita you have seen that Krishna says to offer Him a leaf, a fruit, a flower or even some water. Actually, the Supreme Lord has no necessity to request us to offer Him these items or any other items; but He gives us the opportunity of serving Him so that we may become qualified to enter back to Home, back to Godhead.

Letter to Carl Lange, 14 November, 1969
